Is Coronavirus Is Empowering Dictatorship? How is coronavirus changing the world

Is Coronavirus Is Empowering Dictatorship

Is Coronavirus Is Empowering Dictatorship: The way people and governments around the world order choose to fight the COVID-19 infection; will change our world in the coming years. It is believed by historian Yuval Noah Harari, author of By Sapiens – A Brief History of Humankind.

What kind of society will emerge after this epidemic? Will mutual solidarity increase in the countries of the world or will distance from each other? Will the methods of controlling and monitoring save civilians or oppress them?

In a news program, Harari said these questions, “The crisis is such that we have to make some big decisions. These decisions will also have to be taken fast. But we have a choice.”

Is Coronavirus Is Empowering Dictatorship? How is coronavirus changing the world?

Is Coronavirus Is Empowering Dictatorship
Is Coronavirus Is Empowering Dictatorship

Political crisis Harari said, “We can have two important options – we will face this crisis with nationalist isolation, or else we will display global partnership and solidarity.”

“We also have options at the level of each nation. One has to choose between an empowered centralized surveillance system (entirely surveillance system) and local empowerment with social attachment.”

According to Harari, the coronavirus epidemic has given rise to both scientific and political questions. According to him, the world is trying to solve some scientific challenges, but its attention to political problems has been less.

He said, “Humanity has everything it needs to prevent and defeat the epidemic.” “This is not a medieval period. It is not even a plague epidemic. It is not that people are dying, and we don’t know why they are dying and what to do.”

Chinese scientists identified and mapped the SARS-Cove-2 virus during the outbreak of Coronavirus infection. A similar investigation is going on in other countries.

Till now, no treatment has been found for COVID-19 infection. However, researchers around the world are working on developing a vaccine for this virus through state-of-the-art technology and innovation.

We have also come to know that virus infection can be prevented by washing hands and social distancing. Harari said, “We have fully understood this virus. 

We also have the technology. We also have the financial resources to defeat this virus. But the question is whether we can use these forces. How to use it? This is definitely a political question. “

Is Coronavirus Empowering Dictatorship? How is coronavirus changing the world?

Is Coronavirus Is Empowering Dictatorship
Is Coronavirus Is Empowering Dictatorship

Dangerous technology used Harari has recently said in an article written in the Financial Times that emergency makes historical processes fast forward. Generally, the decisions that take years to make ought to be made overnight.

In the same article, he has written that in the time of emergency, monitoring techniques that are developing at a rapid pace are placed to work without proper development and public debate.

According to Harari, even within the government, these techniques can be used in the wrong hands. The government can implement a complete monitoring system, in which every person can be monitored every moment and can make decisions in an opaque manner.

For example, the government of Israel has increased the power of secret services through this, not only are they keeping an eye on the health authorities, but the location data of every person is being monitored. 

It has also been implemented in South Korea, but according to Harari, it has been implemented in South Korea with far more transparency.

Face recognition technology has been used to identify civilians who violate the quarantine in China, which is among the world’s most sophisticated surveillance systems. According to Harari, the use of these techniques for a short time can be considered valid, but there are many dangers of making them permanent.

Harari said, “Whether it is health or economic issues, governments can take decisive decisions, take tough steps. I am in favor of this, but it should be done by governments that represent the entire population.” “

“Generally, governments can be formed with the support of 51 percent of the population. But in such difficult times, governments should take care of the entire country i.e., every citizen.” 

Is Coronavirus Empowering Dictatorship? How is coronavirus changing the world?

Is Coronavirus Is Empowering Dictatorship
Is Coronavirus Is Empowering Dictatorship

Isolationism and mutual support According to Harari, “In recent years, governments riding on the waves of nationalism and populist promises have divided the society into two hostile camps. Promoting hatred for foreigners and other countries.”

But epidemics that spread around the world do not discriminate among social groups and countries. Harari says that in the face of difficulties, it has to be decided whether to walk alone or walk with cooperation.

Many countries of the world have tried alone to tackle this epidemic; they are doing this through medical facilities and supplies from private firms. The US has also been particularly criticized for reducing the supply of masks, chemicals, and ventilators to other countries.

It is feared that the vaccines prepared in the laboratories of rich countries will not reach sufficient numbers in developing and emerging countries.

Harari underlines the importance of mutual cooperation in this phase, saying that if Chinese scientists in the morning learn a lesson, then in the evening, the life of a patient in Tehran can be saved.

According to Harari, “The strength of mutual cooperation around the world, exchange of information and knowledge and fair distribution of human and medical resources in epidemic-affected countries are far more rational.”

Harari says, “To find out when people were able to defend themselves by isolating themselves for the last time during the pandemic; in reality, you have to go back to the Stone Age again. 

Is Coronavirus Empowering Dictatorship? How is coronavirus changing the world?

Is Coronavirus Is Empowering Dictatorship
Is Coronavirus Is Empowering Dictatorship

Even in the medieval era, the 14th century An epidemic of plague had spread. Retreat would not be possible even in the medieval period. “

Will social behavior also change? According to Harari, whatever the impact of the choices made to deal with the epidemic, the sociality of man will not change, a human being is and will remain.

The nature of humans is to get close to the sick and show compassion to them. According to Harari, the coronavirus is exploiting the best nature of humans.

Harari says, “This virus is exploiting our good nature to infect us. But we have to be smart, think with our mind, not with the heart, and choose the path of social isolation, social distancing.”

“It is very difficult for all of us human beings to do this. But I think that when this crisis is over, people will feel the need for social engagement more. I do not think that this virus will change the basic nature of humans.”

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About the author

Praneet Thakur

Praneet Thakur is a dynamic entrepreneur and SEO expert from Mumbai, known for founding startups like ShoutRank and World Wire. His expertise in digital marketing and passion for blogging have helped clients achieve top rankings in competitive markets. As an editor for World-Wire, Praneet has made significant contributions to the internet news and marketing industry.

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