

COOKIE POLICY of world-wire.com

COOKIE POLICY of world-wire.comCookies and Web Beacons

World-wire.com uses cookies – small text files placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymized tracking data to third-party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies website, which offers guidance for all modern browsers.

DoubleClick DART Cookie

As a third-party vendor, Google uses cookies to serve ads on www.World-Wire.com.
Google’s use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to our users based on their visits to www.World-Wire.com and other sites.
Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy at the following URL – https://www.google.com/privacy_ads.html

Cookie Usage Policy

This policy refers to cookies and the web pages operated by WGT LLP with the headquarter in the First floor, F143, Dreams Mall Rd, Mumbai, 400078
The site https://world-wire.com uses, like most websites, cookies, in order to offer visitors a pleasant experience when visiting our page. Our website uses cookies to offer a better experience to all users that reach us. Cookies are useful because they support the creation of adequate content, presented attractively, that helps our website to be more user-friendly and safer.
Cookies are used to facilitate the access and delivery of various services that a normal user enjoys when visiting various pages on the Internet. These services include:

  • Customize language settings;
  • Cookies provide information on how a user uses different pages of the site. They help the user to interact more easily with the site. Subsequently, such information can be used to arrange, edit site content to help other users enjoy it more easily.

What are Cookies?

We invite you to find out what a cookie is: The definition of a cookie, also known as” internet cookie”,” browser cookie,” or” HTTP cookie”, is the following: a small file of numbers and letters that is stored on the computer or device used by the user to access the Internet.
This cookie is installed by the request issued by a web server to a browser. Depending on which browser the user is using (whether Safari, Edge, Chrome or Mozilla Firefox), the cookie is passive. A cookie does not have software programs such as viruses or spyware, so the cookie cannot damage your device or computer. Also, the cookie does not have the ability to access information on the user’s hard drive.
You should also know that the duration of a cookie internet is determined and consists of two parts: its name and its content or value.
Good to know: A cookie in itself does not require personal information for later use. Also, generally, a cookie does not personally identify an internet user.
You should know that there are two large categories of browser cookies:

  • Session cookie – This type of cookie is temporarily stored in the user’s browser cookie folder. Here the cookie is saved until the user leaves the site or closes the browser’s window.
  • Persistent cookie – This type of cookie is stored on a PC’s hard drive (with a fixed duration). This is also a cookie created by a website other than the one the user uses, also known as “third-party cookies”. Know that such cookies can store a user’s interests (what they visit on the site), so that the advertising he or she encounters in other locations or on the same site is more relevant.

What are Cookies used for?

Cookies provide users with a more enjoyable browsing experience and, in most cases, help different sites provide more useful and clear services to users (depending on their interests and preferences).
These files make it possible to recognize the user’s terminal and present the content in a relevant way, adapted to the user’s preferences. Cookies support the efforts of https://world-wire.com to provide user-friendly services: i.e.: – online privacy preferences, shopping cart or relevant advertising. They are also used to prepare aggregated anonymous statistics that help us understand how users benefit from our web pages, allowing us to improve their structure and content without identifying the user.
Important to know: A user has the ability to delete cookies at any time. He or she must use the browser settings used to browse the Internet. It is good to know that most modern browsers, including Safari, Mozilla, Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera, or Chrome, provide users with the ability to change cookie settings. These settings can be changed if you go to the options or preferences menu (depending on your browser).
If you want to know how to change the settings of a browser, you can visit the links below. These may be useful in this approach.
Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari

For third-party cookie settings, you can also check the website:

Most cookies that the https://world-wire.com website uses are cookies of […].
Some cookies are automatically deleted when you leave the site. Other cookies may remain on your device or computer until you delete them. These cookies allow us to recognize your browser the next time you use your site.
You can set your browser to notify you when we send cookies and thus allow cookies to be accessed individually so that you can accept or block cookies in some cases. Also, users choosing to disable their cookies should be aware that disabling cookies can lead to limitations of the website’s functionality.

  • What cookies are we using?

We use two types of cookies: per session and fixed. The latter are temporary files that remain in the user’s terminal until the end of the session or the closing of the application (the web browser). Fixed files remain on the user’s terminal for a while in the Cookie’s parameters or until they are deleted manually by the user.

  •  How does this site use cookies?

A visit to this site may place cookies for purposes of:

  • Site performance cookies
  • Visitor analysis cookies
  • Cookies for geotargeting
  • Recording cookies
  • Cookies for advertising
  • Advertiser cookies

The site usage session is set to expire after […] minutes in the sense that if after […] minutes if the form was not completed and transmitted, the process will have to be resumed.
The site uses the following cookies:
• Cookie “[…]” – this cookie […], the cookie being active is […];
• Cookie “[…]” – this cookie […], the cookie being active is […];
• Cookie “[…]” – this cookie […], the cookie being active is […];
• Cookie “[…]” – this cookie […], the cookie being active is […];
Our site uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google INC. (based in the United States, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 940430. Google Analytics uses cookies (see above general cookie definition) that are stored on your device and is designed to analyze your usage of our site. This information generated by that cookie is passed to the Google server and stored.

Do Cookies contain personal data?

Cookies themselves do not require personal information to be used and in most cases do not personally identify internet users. Personal data collected through the use of Cookies can only be collected to facilitate certain user functions. These data are encrypted, making it impossible for unauthorized people to access them.

  • Delete Cookies

In general, an application used to access web pages allows you to save your Cookies to the terminal by default. These settings can be changed in such a way that the automatic administration of Cookies is blocked by the web browser or the user is informed whenever cookies are sent to his or her terminal. Detailed information about the possibilities and ways of managing cookies can be found in the application settings area (the web browser). Restricting the use of Cookies may affect certain features of the web page.
You can prevent cookies from being saved/stored by changing the settings of the browser you are using. However, please be aware that such action may prevent you from using all the functions on this site as well as on other sites in their integrity. In addition, you may prevent the information generated by a cookie that is related to the use of your site by you (including the IP address) from being transmitted to Google and processed by Google. To do so, click on the following link and download and install the browser shutdown option: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
In addition, we offer you the ability to disable the collection of information on how you use this site. To do this, click on the following link (…) This action sets a special deactivation cookie that aims to prevent the use of data used by you from being collected if you visit the site in the future.

Why are cookies important to the Internet?

Cookies are the central point for the efficient functioning of the Internet, helping to generate a friendly browsing experience tailored to each user’s preferences and interests. Denying or disabling cookies can make some sites unusable.
Denying or disabling cookies means that […].
Examples of important uses of cookies (which do not require authentication of a user through an account):

  • Content and services tailored to user preferences – product categories and services.
  • Offers tailored to user interests – retaining passwords.
  • Retain parental control filters for content on the Internet (family mode options, safe search functions).
  • Limit ad serving frequency – limit the number of impressions of an ad for a particular user on a site.
  • Providing more relevant advertising to the user.
  • Measurement, optimization, and analytics features – such as confirming a certain level of traffic on a website, what type of content is viewed, and how a user reaches a website (e.g. through search engines, directly from other websites, etc.). Websites run these analyzes of their use to improve sites for the benefit of users.

Security and privacy issues

Cookies are NOT Viruses! They use plain text formats. They are not made up of pieces of code so they cannot be executed or can auto-run. Consequently, they cannot duplicate or replicate on other networks to run or replicate again. Because they cannot perform these functions, they cannot be considered viruses.

Cookies can still be used for negative purposes. Because they store information about user preferences and browsing history, both on a particular site and on several other sites, cookies can be used as a form of Spyware. Many anti-spyware products are aware of this and consistently mark cookies to be deleted in anti-virus / anti-spyware removal/scanning procedures.

In general, browsers have built-in privacy settings that provide different levels of cookie acceptance, shelf life, and automatic deletion after the user has visited a particular site.

Other security issues related to cookies:

Since identity protection is very valuable and is the right of every internet user, it is advisable to know what problems can create cookies. In order to transmit constant information in both ways between the browser and the website, if an attacker or unauthorized person intervenes during the data transmission, the information contained in the cookie can be intercepted.

Although very rarely, this can happen if the browser connects to the server using an unencrypted network (e.g. an unsecured WiFi network).
Other cookie-based attacks involve bad cookie settings on the servers. If a website does not require the browser to use only encrypted channels, attackers can use this vulnerability to deceit browsers to send information through insecure channels. Attackers then use the information for the purpose of unauthorized access to certain sites. It is very important to be careful in choosing the most appropriate method of protecting personal information.

Tips for safe and responsible cookie-based navigation.

Due to their flexibility and the fact that most of the most visited sites and the biggest ones use cookies, they are almost inevitable. Disabling cookies will not allow the user to access the most popular and used sites including Youtube, Gmail, Yahoo and others.
Here are a few tips that can help ensure that you navigate without worries with cookies:

    • Customize your browser settings regarding cookies to reflect a comfortable level for your cookie security.
    • If you do not mind cookies and you are the only person using your computer, you can set expiration dates to store your browsing history and personal access data.
    • If you share access to your computer, you can consider the browser setting to delete individual browsing data each time you close your browser. This is a way to access sites that place cookies and delete any business information when you close the browsing session.
    • Install and constantly update your antispyware applications.

Many of the applications for detection and prevention of spyware include the detection of attacks on sites. This prevents the browser from accessing websites that could exploit browser vulnerabilities or download dangerous software.

Make sure your browser is always up-to-date.

Many of the cookies attacks are exploited by exploiting the weaknesses of the old versions of browsers.

Cookies are everywhere and cannot be avoided if you want to enjoy access to the best and greatest websites on the Internet – local or international. With a clear understanding of how they work and the benefits they bring, you can take the necessary security measures so you can browse with confidence on the internet.

Disabling and refusing to receive cookies can make some sites unfeasible or difficult to visit and use. Also, refusing to accept cookies does not mean you will not get / see online advertising anymore.

It is possible to set up the browser so that these cookies are no longer supported or you can set the browser to accept cookies from a particular site. But for example, if you are not registered using cookies, you will not be able to leave comments.

All modern browsers offer the ability to change cookie settings. These settings are usually found in your browser’s “options” or “preferences” menu.

Useful links

If you want to find out more about cookies and what they are used for, we recommend the following links:

Microsoft Cookies Guide

All About Cookies
