Maxwell case: Ghislaine’s brother Ian says “She wont rat out names for a reduced sentence!”

The former British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell is a convicted sex offender, but she is no rat, her brother Ian Maxwell told The Sunday Times of London.

Latest update ( 26th June 2022) : Ghislaine Maxwell’s sentencing may include the testimony of two of the four women who said she played a role in their sexual abuse at the hands of financier Jeffrey Epstein. Survivors of Ghislaine Maxwell’s crimes will once again bring Prince Andrew to the forefront this week, claiming that the British socialite “opened the door to hell.”.

Earlier this week, Ghislaine was convicted for sex trafficking. She was found guilty of five of six charges for her involvement in grooming young girls to be sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein in his mansions across the US. 

Maxwell is “no rat” -Ian Maxwell.

The prosecution confirmed that no plea bargain offers were made or received before the trial, Ian told the media outlet, adding that he expects the position to be maintained.

In other words, Ghislaine will not be trading names for the prospect of a lighter sentence. Ian said that his sister was ‘understandably subdued’ by her conviction but ‘strong in spirit.’ He added that Ghislaine is ‘not now, nor has ever been, a suicide risk.’ Ian said that Ghislaine knows that many people, including her family, love and support her and believe in her ‘innocence.’

The sentence in the Maxwell case unannounced

It is noteworthy to mention that Maxwell faces up to 65 years in jail after being convicted earlier this week for trafficking underage girls as young as 14. 

According to the attorneys who have been fighting the case for decades, Ghislaine used to lure teenage girls for his alleged boyfriend, Epstein. Prosecutors convinced the jury that she ‘preyed on vulnerable young girls, manipulated them and served them up to be sexually abused’ even though the defense tried to paint Ghislaine as a ‘scapegoat.’

Maxwell’s verdict clouded after one of the jurors admitted being a victim of sexual abuse.

Federal prosecutors on Wednesday asked the judge who oversaw Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex-trafficking trial to investigate the process by which one of the jurors was chosen after he told news outlets he was a sexual abuse victim and had discussed his experience during deliberations.

In a letter filed with the court, the prosecutors’ request raised the possibility of an additional inquiry into how jurors who voted to convict Ms. Maxwell had been selected and the prospect Ms. Maxwell’s lawyers moved to have a mistrial declared in the closely watched case.

In another potential complication, a second juror described in an interview with The New York Times having been sexually abused as a child. This juror, who requested anonymity, said that they, too, had discussed the experience during deliberations and that the revelation had appeared to help shape the jury’s discussions.

The two jurors’ disclosures could be particularly problematic if they failed to note their experiences to the court during jury selection. All the potential jurors in the case were asked whether they or any relatives or friends had been victims of sexual abuse or harassment in a confidential questionnaire.

Also read:

Maxwell case: Jurors end deliberations after 4 days but leave verdict unannounced!

About the author

William Smith

William Smith is a dynamic editor at World-Wire, covering a wide range of topics including health, technology, travel, and events. Known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, he engages readers with his insightful FAQs and articles. His diverse expertise has earned him accolades, including the "Excellence in Diverse Journalism" award in 2022.

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