A Contrived Drag Culture Looms on the Horizon

A Contrived Drag Culture Looms on the Horizon

On Saturday, June 4 afternoon, anti-LGBTQ+ right-wing demonstrators, parents, event participants, and police clashed at the “Drag the Kids to Pride” drag show. Mr. Misster in Dallas’ Oak Lawn area hosted the “Drag the Kids to Pride” drag show” show on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The organizers described it as a family-friendly spin-off of their Champagne Drag Brunch, allowing children to dance alongside artists on stage. Throughout the ceremony, drag performers performed and strolled down the center aisle, and youngsters were spotted handing money to the drag queens.

During the event, children walked down the aisle with the dancers. Young pictures and images from the event were published on Twitter, and several toddlers could be seen sitting in the midst of a dance floor. Ariel Diamond, one of the performers, described the occasion as “wonderful,” adding, “I never get to perform in front of youngsters.”

dragcoverWhy has this performer never done something like this before? Some may respond, “because we have a bias towards exposing youngsters to sexual content and surroundings.” Indeed, one drag queen questioned why parents would not let their children attend such gatherings, arguing that it is difficult for children to grow up in such a “religious and traditional family.” 

drag your kidIn other words, such prejudices would be learned in households. But perhaps we have that prejudice for a reason. Perhaps it is a beneficial pre-judgment that has been corrected through millennia and passed down through tradition. The drag queens performing proved that they, too, think this when they stated that “drag is educational,” that the youngsters are “learning too, they don’t realize what’s going on,” and that “drag is fun.” “I think so… I hope so,” they answered when asked if they think it will encourage kids to perform drag.

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“Drag Your Kids To Pride,”- Protestors Screamed

Protesters screamed, “Christ Is King” outside the location of the show “Drag Your Kids To Pride,” with some holding banners that said, “Stop grooming the youngsters” and “Stop exploiting kids,” among other versions. Childhood is a time of innocence is a relatively recent concept in our culture. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, an eighteenth-century French thinker, is often regarded as the father of this ideology, which claimed that children enter the world blameless and should be safeguarded from bad influences until they mature into fully reasonable people.

LGBT Protest LibraryAmong the consequences of this shift were legislation prohibiting child work and providing universal education. However, the American left is rejecting this principle today. Is it still of the opinion that childhood should be a time of innocence?

Nobody believes that progressives today would re-employ 12-year-olds in coal mines, but we do know that they are very prepared to put children on the front lines of their political and cultural battles, both physically at Pride events and figuratively by turning them into little, little activists at school. This is a major shift from the assumption that infancy should be a safe haven of innocence.

Key West PrideFest ParadeIf thousands of video outlets had been handing out free extreme adult videos to youngsters in 1995, there would have been quick arrests. But now that we have the equivalent in the palms of our children’s hands, we’ve determined there’s nothing we can do about it. There’s no reason to bring young children to Pride events or drag shows, forcing our libertine relativism on them before they can really comprehend what it is. Indeed, it is a tremendous disservice to kids, who require time inside their own imagination and comprehension of the world before ideological fights sweep them up.

pride-events-harassmentAllow the children to be children; there will be time to sell them on hot takes and worldviews when they are older and able to comprehend them. Let us not waste time assessing what they can withstand. Let us instead maintain their innocence, as we have for millennia, and leave childhood to the child.

About the author

Eliana Cooper

Eliana Cooper is an esteemed editor at World-Wire, recognized for her expertise in sports and government news. With a background in Journalism and Political Science, she excels in delivering in-depth and factual reporting. Her work is known for its thorough research and clear presentation, making complex topics accessible. Eliana's contributions have earned her recognition, including the "Excellence in Sports Journalism" award in 2023.

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