
America Fest: A Turning Point USA Event 2021- Day 1 Highlights

America Fest is a four-day event organized by TPUSA from 18th December to 21st December. This event is taking place at a Convention center in Phoenix.

Thousands of conservatives and Trump Supporters gather to watch famous personalities like Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump Jr., Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, and many more. Turning Point’s social media posts announced the appearance of Kyle Rittenhouse at the event.

People were the most excited to hear what Tucker Carlson had to say.

A 15-year-old girl from North Carolina said, “He’s an outspoken voice for the conservative movement,” about Carlson.  She added, “I like how he tells it like it is.”

America Fest: Day 1 Key-Highlights

The day one began with the crowd chanting “Let’s Go, Brandon,” which is a euphemism for “F**k Joe Biden.”

Charlie Kirk, the founder of TPUSA, took over the stage with the national anthem playing in the background.

Kirk talked about bringing conservative values back to the nation. He spoke about how Americans should embrace family life, have children and build up the country with optimism.

Kirk said that the 1619 project is “complete garbage,” adding that Nicole Hannah- Jones is a “con artist,” “She’s a liar and shouldn’t be a professor.” Kirk ended his speech on the note that TPUSA has come a long way since it started.

After Charlie Kirk, Tucker Carlson came to deliver his speech. The crowd welcomed Tucker with a standing ovation.

Carlson said, ” This is the low point when talking about the nation’s situation, Carlson said, “this is the low point. It’s got to be the low point. After which we have the rise, where it starts to get better.”

Carlson took a dig at the ruling classes and media. He showed his worry by saying, “The things that are going on now are so crazy, and they’re so disconnected.” 

Calling the Vaxx Stuff evil, Carlson added, “The vax stuff is about punishing the people that have no one to protect them,” “The other thing that’s going on is that the decisions are being made by people who are too far from the people those decisions are affecting.”

Carlson showed his immense concern for how people do not ask the necessary questions. He mentioned the essential questions, “How are my children? Are they happy? Are they independent of me, which is the point of parenthood, to make your children independent? Will they find a mate so they can do what I did to create them in the first place, which to reproduce and continue my family after I die?”

“And the last question is to ask what happens after we die, “what happens then?”

Carlson even appealed that those who went into the capitol on January 6 must be freed. Carlson condemned how Joe Biden mishandled the situation of COVID 19. He said, “You don’t have to live in the places where they control you precisely.”

He ended his speech on a very optimistic note by saying, “I want to be around happy people who want to build stuff,” “You’re either creating something beautiful, or you’re tearing it down. And all the joy in life is creating something new.”

About The Turning Point USA

The Turning Point USA (TPUSA) is a non-profit organization that advocates for conservative teaching in High schools, colleges, and universities.

Turning Point USA annually hosts several conferences on various topics, such as the Teen Student Action Summit, Young Women’s Leadership Summit, Young Black Leadership Summit, Americafest, and Young Latino Leadership Summit.

The organization is famous for its “Professor Watchlist.” This site claims to expose professors that TPUSA says “discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.”

In 2017, the organization claimed to have representation on 1000 campuses. Journalist Joseph Guinto verified that there were, in fact, only 400 verified campuses.

Also read:

Watch America Fest Live Stream: A turning Point USA Event 2021- Day 3

About the author

Sanjay Singh

Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.

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