
Biden Administration Bets $3.3 Billion on AI for 2025 Budget

Biden Administration Bets $3.3 Billion on AI for 2025 Budget

Artificial intelligence is reportedly receiving about $3.3 billion in funding from the Biden administration for its extensive development across many federal departments and to address AI legislation and the associated concerns surrounding the technology.

The proposed 2025 budget allocates over $3 billion to several agencies to carefully create, experiment with, acquire, and integrate revolutionary artificial intelligence applications across the Federal Government.

The budget also suggests requiring agencies to invest an extra $300 million in AI to handle major risks and advance its use for the public’s benefit.

As reported by the Washington Times, President Biden asked Congress to approve $32 million for the “AI talent surge” to hire computer and data scientists to examine artificial intelligence (AI).

It is stated that the dedicated workers will be hired as part of the “AI Talent Surge” to use AI to improve government services, create smart laws and regulations that will safeguard people’s rights, safety, and privacy, and help advance AI research and development to maintain the US at the forefront of AI innovation.

Furthermore, Joe Biden asked for $70 million so that agencies could employ chief AI officers to supervise the computer scientists’ work and guarantee they are working safely.

Additionally, the Commerce Department will receive $50 million from the proposed budget to launch the AI Safety Institute, which will offer regulations and guidelines regarding the usage of AI.

The guidelines will involve creating privacy protections for content and will help to set it apart from the data produced by AI that humans create.

The Energy Department also takes advantage of the AI funds, saying it will help tackle their quest against climate change.

It has also been reported that the Department of Veterans Affairs will receive $10 million to conduct medical and prosthetic research.

Biden Administration Bet $3.3 Billion on AI for 2025 Budget
Biden Administration Bets $3.3 Billion on AI for 2025 Budget

The National Nuclear Security Administration would also receive $37 million to examine the misuse of AI in the management of chemical, biological, or nuclear hazards.

Another $30 million from the budget will fund the National AI Research Resource Project (NAIRR), an essential first step toward developing a shared research infrastructure to facilitate and democratize access to computing and data resources for innovative AI discoveries and advancements.

The 2025 budget also allegedly includes investments in federal cybersecurity programs and funds allocated for law enforcement agencies to pursue cybercriminals.

The FBI is also requesting a $25 million budget increase to strengthen its cyber response capabilities and counterintelligence operations against hackers.

The Justice Department’s National Security Division is also requesting roughly $5 million to counter cyber threats.

Gregory Dawson, an Arizona State University professor examining AI spending with colleagues, is concerned even though an estimated $3.3 billion is being offered for AI.

In contrast to China, Dawson points out that the US spends a lot of money on AI and claims that the budget still puts the US behind where it should be.

About the author

Nancy Beverly

Nancy Beverly is a prominent political journalist and editor at World-Wire, known for her sharp analysis and deep understanding of global politics. With a Master's degree in Political Science, she excels in breaking down complex political issues, making them relatable to the public. At World-Wire, Nancy crafts compelling political narratives covering everything from local governance to international relations. Recognized for her expertise, she received the 'Excellence in Political Journalism' award in 2021. Nancy's work not only informs but also enriches her readers' understanding of political dynamics.

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