Can You Swim in the Hudson River?

Can You Swim in the Hudson River

The Hudson Bay is an inland sea indented east-central Canada. It has an area of 819,000 square Km, it is bordered by Nunavut territory, and it is connected with the Atlantic Ocean. This bay is named for Henry Hudson; in 1610, onboard named Discovery was seeking a Northwest Passage to Asia. After two years, the Eastern coast of Hudson Bay was mapped. In the year 1631, the south coast was traced, and the explorer Luke Foxe gave his name to Foxe Channel in the same year. The Western coast was not mapped until early 1820, and the first bathymetric measurements of the area were made by Canadian during the year 1929-1931.

The Hudson Bay – Physical Characteristics

It has a very smooth floor and a shallow one. The average is 330 feet in depth, with a maximum of approximately 900 feet. The Hudson Bay is situated in a region of permanently frozen earth layers; it is a marsh-ridden lowland filled with lake waters and turbulent rivers. In the east and northeast region, the shores are very high and sheer, but elsewhere they are very low.

hudson bayHudson Bay has a severe continental climate condition. In the month of January, the temperatures average -29*C, while in the month of July, the temperatures average only 8*C. It is cloudy and mild in Spring, whereas it is very clear in summer, though Hudson bay is often coated with fog. There will be frequent fogs in Autumn, and it will be very cold, clear in the early winter, and in late April, the spring season begins.

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Can You Swim in the Hudson River?

Swim organizers perform water tests before each meeting, and also Riverkeeper every month collects samples once a month between May and October in the Hudson River. The Hudson River is a very amazing water body that passes by New York City and the surrounding areas.  A few years back, some deadly creatures like sharks were found in the Hudson River. Earlier, in the Hudson River, there used to be more dumping of wastes, also filled with foul things and dead animals. Water was not suitable for consumption.

swim in hudson riverA new initiative was taken by New York state to clean the Hudson River under the Act of waters Bond Act in 1965 sanctioned billion of dollars to purify the river. The New York State Health Department instructed that small children and women to avoid eating fish and also suggested reducing their intake of fish. In the year 2009, the Environmental protection agency issued an order to restore the Hudson river because it was dangerous to animals, as well as people who consume infected fish from the Hudson River.

Are you allowed to swim in the Hudson River?

Before you decide to swim in the river, it is very important to be aware of water games and boat traffic. According to the Health Department, if the water is contaminated,  oils, bacteria, garbage, and discolored, then it is better to avoid swimming in such water bodies in order to prevent health hazards. The Hudson Bay is different from the Hudson River. It is allowed to swim in the river but not in Hudson Bay.

swim in husdon riverPeople can swim in the Hudson River for a few periods of time.  Some activities are done on the  Hudson River, such as Jet-ski, Water skiing, dragging along in tubes by motor boats, and Paddle kayaks. People also glide along on standup paddleboards. In the Hudson River, the swimmers enjoy taking advantage of its clean waters during hot summer seasons, even when lifeguards are not on duty.

Why is Hudson Bay not a sea?

Let’s first understand the difference between a Bay and a sea. A sea is a larger body of salty water which is surrounded by a whole or a part of the land. Sea is the connected system of Earth’s salty water. Whereas a Bay is a water body connected to an ocean or lake, it is formed by an indentation of the shoreline.

Why is the Hudson River toxic?

The Hudson River contains blue-green algae, which produce toxins that impact people’s health when water comes to contact directly with the skin. The residents and recreational people are advised by the New York State Department not to play in the water as it causes health hazards.toxic hudson river A bacteria by the name of Cyanobacteria releases a chemical called exotoxins, which are harmful to humans and damage liver functioning, blood clotting, nerve functioning, and also wound healing. Until further notice, it is strictly prohibited to swim.

Is there poop in the Hudson River?

The sewage overflow system will not function when there is heavy rainfall. All the waste will get washed into storm drains in cities along the Hudson River, especially in Newburgh. This causes water contamination in the river. This contaminated water contains Fecal bacteria, which slow down the immune system of people and also badly affect pregnant women. It causes diarrhea, vomiting, and gastroenteritis problems. Therefore, it is advised by the NYSDEC not to go to any local beaches until an all-clear notification is issued.

About the author

Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.

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