Candace Owens’ book – Blackout Read Online

Candace Owens book

Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation is a New York Times bestselling political work by the famous conservative author and politician Candace Owens. Candace Owens’ book was published by Threshold Editions on September 15, 2020, and is Owens’ first publication.

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Candace Owens’ book – Blackout Read Online

Candace Owens’s book is available for sale on a number of sites, including Amazon and the official website of Threshold Editions.

Candace Owens

For those wishing to read the book online, the book can be downloaded into your Kindle device from Amazon. Alternately, you can download a PDF format online.

Overview of Candace Owens’ book

The 320-page book takes us through Owens’s account of how the Democratic policies negatively affect, instead of helping, the African-American community in the United States, which is the main cause for many Americans including herself, changing their allegiance and turning to the right.

The feminist MeToo movement is unfair- Candace writes in Blackout

Throughout her work, Owens has highlighted how unkind the Democratic Party has been to the African-American community in the United States. The subtitle of Owens’s book, How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation says it all.

Candace Owen has talked about her opinions regarding the problems faced by Black America, the media, the welfare system, and the modern feminist movement over the course of eleven chapters.

Candace Owens

Candace claims in her book that the feminist #MeToo movement is extremely unfair and ruins the lives of African-American men. She brings up the 1955 case of Emmett Till as an example, where a fourteen-year-old Black boy was brutally lynched just because a white woman falsely claimed he whistled at her.

Owens uses this case to highlight how the American media smears Black men as guilty by simply going on the word of the women involved.

Each and every section of Owens’s work adds up to the “Democratic Plantation” metaphor and is carefully crafted to project her idea of how the Democrats are the main reason behind Black suffering. She claims that Democratic elites like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Elizabeth Warren do not actually care about Black Americans as they say, and believe they are “stupid”.

Candace Owens

The book provides a new perspective about which everyone should keep an open mind. Candace Owens has delivered a strong, empowering message for Black Americans to “escape the Democratic Plantation”.

Kanye West thanks Owens for her book

One of the most prominent Black supporters of Trump, Kanye West, thanked Candace Owens for her book on Black America in a tweet, sometime after it was published.

“THANK YOU CANDACE OWENS” -he tweeted, along with a picture of the book.

Candace replied with a tweet that read, “You’re welcome! Thank you for inspiring me to be myself, unapologetically. Dragon energy.”

Kanye West and Candace Owens are both public supporters of former president Donald Trump.

About the author

Candace Owens (full name Candace Amber Owens Farmer), is an American conservative politician, author, political commentator, talk-show host, and political activist. The 32-year-old author was born on April 29, 1989, in Stamford, Connecticut.

Candace Owens

Unlike some politicians that like to stay away from too much controversy, Owens doesn’t shy away from speaking her mind. In a 2021 interview, anti-vaccine Owens said that “Trump only touted vaccines because he’s too old to know how to find alternative sources online”.

She has supported many other conspiracies like former president Donald Trump’s election fraud conspiracy among others. Owens is being counted among one of the potential Republican candidates for the upcoming Vice President elections, should Trump win the seat in 2024.

About the author

Roshan Ray

Roshan Ray is a versatile contributor at World-Wire, specializing in finance, celebrities, politics, and general news. He combines a deep understanding of finance with sharp political insights. Roshan also plays a key role in editorial leadership.

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