
Catherine Engelbrecht wiki -biography, career and more

Catherine Engelbate wiki

Catherine Engelbrecht is a wife, mother, company owner, a native of Texas, and a lifetime proponent of common sense. Her activism journey first started in 2008 when the government started taking actions that directly contradicted the American values of individual liberty and economic independence, and her journey of being an activist started from this point. She realized that she had to take steps to safeguard her elderly parents, her business, her children, and her church as well. Here, we present Catherine Engelbrecht’s wiki -biography, career, and more. 

Catherine Engelbrecht wiki

So, with the aid of her family, she stepped out in faith and left the family business to work for everyone who ever believed in America’s greatness and the beliefs of the Judo-Christian on which it was founded. She started True the Vote in the year 2009, an effort led by citizens to regain respect and unity in the electoral system. Truth the votes put emphasis on educating voters, investigating the accuracy of voter registries, organizing, training voters, and promoting the complete election law reform legislation. As of now, it is currently working successfully with 30 states.

Catherine Engelbrecht wiki

Catherine and True the Vote were awarded the Ronald Reagan Freedom award by CPAC in honor of their tremendous work in the year 2011. Catherine was listed in the catalog of one of Politico’s “50 to Watch” because of her continuous hard work and perseverance for the welfare of the people. It was only awarded to 50 new and rising talents who set the Thames on fire on the national political scene.

Catherine Engelbrecht wiki- Family 

Catherine Engelbrecht is a wife, mother, and business owner. Her family was the main supporter in her journey of becoming a journalist and became a motivation for everyone who ever believed in America’s greatness and the credence of the Judo-Christian on which it was founded.

Catherine Engelbrecht wiki

Catherine realized that she had to protect her family by hook or crook when the government started taking measures that directly opposed the American values of individual independence and economic liberty. There isn’t much information regarding her husband, parents, and children. As soon as we learn, we will update the article regarding her family background.

Catherine Engelbrecht wiki- Career

Catherine is the founder and president of King Street Patriots and True the Vote Catherine. Along with this, she is also the president of a high-precision oilfield machine shop that was started by Catherine and her husband Byran in 1994. Before the year 2008, she had little participation in the political field. Catherine was known as a “life activist.” Catherine couldn’t pay much attention at that time to her role as not only a mother but also a wife, a founder and board member of her church, an officer of her children’s school’s PTO, a city representative, and a business owner.

Catherine Engelbrecht wiki

She also believed, like others, that politicians could be believed to do their best in the name of the American people. Catherine watched the government and politicians during the Presidential campaign of 2008, which made her stand in sharp contradiction to the American ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Catherine looked at every sphere and decided to do something for the welfare of the American people’s beliefs and ideology.

Catherine Engelbrecht wiki

Catherine started King Street Patriots to endorse and protect American exceptionalism, Constitutional governance, and civic duty. She founded True the Vote. It trains and educates volunteers to staff in polling and completing election code reform legislation. True the Vote gradually developed an accessible program to train and support citizens for participation in the voting process at whatever level of participation they choose. It ranges from one-time volunteer to program leader.

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Catherine Engelbrecht- Contact Information, Email & Social Media

 You can contact Catherine Engelbrecht through the contact mentioned below.

Contact number: 832 444 7701 

Email: [email protected].

There is not much information available regarding her social media. As soon as we learn more, we will update the article.

True The Vote

 True The Vote (TTV) is a conservative vote-monitoring organization based in Houston, Texas. Its main motive is to stop voting fraud. The group promotes voter ID laws and educates volunteers to examine elections and identify and draw attention to fishy voter registrations that they staunchly believe invalidate the right to vote. Catherine Engelbrecht is currently leading this organization. True the Vote has gained immense popularity after it supported the disproven conspiracy theories that Joe Biden’s victory in the Presidential election of 2020 was the result of fraud.

True the vote

Post the election; the group continuously claimed that they had evidence of widespread election fraud in the election and asked for millions of dollars in donations but didn’t release the date till the date. The main source for falsifying Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules was the organization itself. Independent groups such as American for Prosperity and other Republican group have subsidized meetings featuring speakers from the group, including Engelbrecht.

True the vote logo

 Ryan J. Reilly, who writes for the political agency and opinion-based website named Talking Points Memo, condemned True the Vote for engaging in “caging” voter suppression, intimidating voters, and making baseless assertions about the prevalence of election fraud in October 2010. Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings led a scrutinization of the organization amid its efforts to prevent hundreds of students and other voters from being registered to vote in the presidential election of 2012.

Catherine Engelbrecht wiki

Cummings said, “At some point, an effort to challenge voter registrations by the thousands without any legitimate basis may be evidence of illegal voter suppression. If these efforts are intentional, politically motivated, and widespread across multiple states, they could amount to a criminal conspiracy to deny legitimate voters their constitutional rights.”

About the author

Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.

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