
Clean Your Clothes Dryer

According to the Consumer Products Safety Commission, improper dryer maintenance, particularly in private residences and multi-unit dwellings, results in 20,000 fires and $96 million in damages every year. Preventive maintenance, according to Indoor Environmental Solutions, Inc., a New York City-based air ventilation cleaning firm, is the best approach to avoid disaster.

What starts flames in dryers? Poor dryer maintenance, declared Maria Vizzi, president of IES. “Dryers are a frequently disregarded source of serious potential risk because the highly flammable lint can readily catch fire due to the interaction of heat and restricted airways. Anywhere there is inadequate ventilation or restricted airflow, that potential is increased.

Additionally, according to Vizzi, a dryer that is not venting properly is less efficient and more expensive to run. There is also a chance of carbon monoxide poisoning with gas-powered dryers.

Even the most luxurious apartments and suburban homes frequently have subparly built laundry rooms. According to Vizzi, “Our technicians have seen plastic flexible tubing utilised in place of metal venting that simply vents into the attic rather than going outside the house. “The attic is where the lint builds up. Without a doubt, the heat and inadequate ventilation that can result from the sun pounding down on the attic roof all day can be a dangerous mix, leading to numerous house fires that could have been easily prevented, the expert continued.

Nadine Schwartz, a resident of Port Chester, concurs. Her condo was purchased three years ago. She claims that the previous owner wasn’t precisely careful about upkeep and security… Additionally, because she works from home, preventive safety precautions are even more crucial for the protection of her possessions and her mental health.

The Port Chester resident said that after hearing the IES recommendations during a safety lecture for Westchester business owners, she hired IES to evaluate her property. IES inspected the residence and fixed the dryer ventilation issue.

Although it affects them on a much greater scale, building owners and property managers deal with the same issue. Eight 50 gallon garbage bags full with lint the size of garbage were recently removed from one Central Park West property by IES experts. Many building owners allow tenants to utilise a basement laundry room that is contracted out to a different business. The coin-operated washers and dryers are installed and maintained by this business. In the past, the laundry business has been in charge of coin collection and technical maintenance, but thorough exhaust cleaning has received little attention.

When it’s feasible, IES instals observation windows that allow building managers to regularly check the amount of lint accumulating. Preventive maintenance is a 24/7, 365-day concern for proactive resident managers.

Guglielmo Ammatuna, the resident manager of New York, stated, “We felt we were on top of all the problem areas, as far as fire safety is concerned, but we hadn’t looked at the ventilation as closely as we should have and we’re delighted it’s been addressed.” “Mindfulness is everything,”

The following is covered by the IES Ventilation Service Inspection:
Examine the dryer’s ventilation system.
Find every instance of non-compliance with state building regulations, such as the dryer’s flexible hose being plastic when it should be aluminium.
Ensure that the ventilation hose vents to the exterior of the building and not into a room or corridor within;
eliminate and purge all airflow hindrances
the IES
In 2000, Maria Vizzi and her husband Giuseppe, who has a wealth of expertise in cleaning air ventilation systems, founded IES. The tri-state region and New York metro area’s residential and commercial properties are serviced by the family-run company. Tenant complaints about indoor air quality and building hygiene are addressed by IES in collaboration with property owners and property/facilities managers.

About the author

Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.

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