
Confidence Man book – Trump’s tweet controversy explained

Confidence Man Haberman

Overview: This article explores the controversy surrounding Haberman’s upcoming publication and Trump’s involvement in the same.

Trump’s “most feared” publication, as cited by Axios, Confidence Man : The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America, is all set to be published on 4th October by Penguin Publishers. It is authored by Pulitzer – Prize – Winning New York Times reporter, Maggie Haberman, one of the fiercest critics of Trump, covering all his campaigns and agendas since 2011. 

Trump’s potential comeback in 2024…

In what seems to be the most-awaited political works of the year, Haberman has cohesively put down the entire journey of former president Trump’s rise to power to his anguished post-presidency life along with his potential comeback in 2024. 

The book takes a long look at the arc of his life, from the world that made him in New York City to the world he tried to recreate in the White House” –  Maggie tweeted on Thursday. 

Haberman's Trump book

The bold subtitle of the book, “The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America” has sparked concern among the former president’s closest aides. The cover image of Maggie’s book features a young Trump, all suited up with his arms crossed, posing for a photo. 

The book is most likely to be full of shocking revelations gathered by Maggie throughout her years of following Trump’s every move. 

President Trump repeatedly clogged White House toilets but in an unexpected manner…

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Haberman’s book reveals Trump staff found flushed papers in White House toilet (coverage by CNN)

A recent tweet from Maggie Haberman about the juicy topics covered in her forthcoming book claims that the residential staff at the White House repeatedly found wads of printed paper flushed down the toilet. She believes that the president has violated the Presidential Records Act by unceremoniously disposing off what could be classified presidential records in those wads of paper. 

Haberman has also claimed in her book that the former president is still in contact with North Korea leader, Kim Jong Un. Trump has dismissed these allegations stating that Haberman’s details were “fake”.

Yet another fake book, by a reporter who knows nothing about me, Maggot Haberman of the New York Times, is making up stories about my relationship with foreign leaders,” Trump said.

“Profit over profession”…  Haberman faces fire for ‘sitting over story’

Haberman has recently become a subject of disdain for allegedly saving the information of Trump’s potential violation of the Presidential Records Act for the promotion of Confidence Man.  

Trump's Haberman tweet

Seeing as the release of the book is months away, the managing editor of military news publication Stars and Stripes tweeted,I worked at five newspapers in my career. At every one of them our first and only responsibility was to our readers, NOT reporters who were sitting on stories and writing books to serve themselves.I am past sick and tired of Maggie Haberman, the NYT and all these damn books.”

“Maggie Haberman is the poster girl for what’s wrong with modern journalism. Profit over profession,” tweeted another user. 

Haberman, who has had access to inside information from Trump’s inner circle through her work as a White House correspondent, has denied the allegations stating that she “did not know this was happening while he was president” and apparently was “trying to get this information out as fast as possible”.  

“I would not want someone thinking that I knew this in real time because I didn’t.” – Haberman added. 

Also read:

Trump tears into NY Times reporter ‘Maggot’ Haberman

About the author

Roshan Ray

Roshan Ray is a versatile contributor at World-Wire, specializing in finance, celebrities, politics, and general news. He combines a deep understanding of finance with sharp political insights. Roshan also plays a key role in editorial leadership.

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