
Conservatives and Democrats are Forming a New Political Party -‘Forward Party’

Conservatives and Democrats are Forming a New Political Party 'Forward Party'

Conservatives and Democrats are Forming a New Political Party -‘ Forward Party’. A new party consisting of Conservatives and Democrats is now looming on the horizon, spearheaded by David Jolly, a former Republican congressman from Florida, Christine Whitman, a former Republican governor of New Jersey, and Andrew Yang, a former Democratic presidential and New York mayoral candidate. 

To win over what they call the “moderate, common-sense majority,” these Republican and Democratic politicians are launching a new political party called the Forward party. It was formally made into a Political Action Committee (PAC) on October 5, 2021, but on July 27, 2022, it was christened the Forward Party.

A New Political Party Forward
A New Political Party Forward by Andrew Yang

The Forward Party will be endorsing the candidates of both the main parties in the United States 2022 elections, and candidates will follow their terms and act according to the Party’s policies. 

The What and Why of the Forward Political Party

Yang claims that the Forward Party won’t act as a spoiler because it will support any Democrats and Republicans who agree with the Party’s approach. According to the Forward Party’s website, its candidates are expected to run as members of one of the two major parties. According to Yang, the Forward Party is not interested in running a presidential candidate and instead works to lessen partisanship in Congress and state legislatures.

In an opinion piece by the Washington Post, David Jolly, Christine Todd Whitman, and Andrew Yang wrote that “political extremism is tearing our nation apart, and the two major parties have failed to address the situation. By appealing to the margins, today’s obsolete parties have failed. The majority of Americans believe they aren’t represented as a result.”

The forward Party’s significant priorities are:

  1. Free People
  2. Vibrant Democracy
  3. Thriving Communities

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The Forward Party Appeals to moderate mentalities

The party lists several subjects related to public affairs that could benefit from a moderate stance, including abortion, climate change, and gun laws.

The new party will also support open primaries, ranked-choice voting, the elimination of gerrymandering, and protecting voting rights on a national level.

According to the Washington Post op-ed, the Forward Party is to hold a national convention next summer and will soon apply for ballot access to field candidates in 2024.

In a joint appearance with Whitman on “New Day,” Yang stated that “62 percent of Americans now want a third party, a record high because they can see that their leaders aren’t getting it done.”

“In addition, most Americans genuinely agree on controversial, even disputed, policy objectives.

There is a good coalition position on all of the controversial topics of the day, including the most divisive ones like abortion and guns.”

Also, Read | What is bipartisan gun control bill?

The Forward Party is a Middle Ground for the masses

The Forward Party will be the middle ground for the masses as it excludes both extremes in American politics.

The manifesto of the Forward Party is to take the ideologies of the Conservative and Liberal sides and temper them down to include a more balanced viewpoint that appeals to the non-extremist masses.

Thus, this will create a middle ground for the masses which will, later on, be fruitful for the groups. 

Forward Party’s Foremost Leaders

The Party’s foremost leaders are a former Republican congressman from Florida, David Jolly, a former Republican governor of New Jersey, Christine Whitman, Andrew Yang, a former Democratic presidential and New York mayoral candidate, and Joe Sestak, a Pennsylvania Democratic Representative.

About the author

Sanjay Singh

Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.

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