Dangerous is a 2022 Hindi-language action thriller web series and is also an MX Player original. The series is written by Vikram Bhatt, directed by Bhushan Patel, and Mika Singh and Vikram Bhatt produce it. The series stars the famous duo Karan Singh Grover, and Bipasha Basu along with Sonali Raut, Suyyash Rai, Natasha Suri, and Nitin Arora in crucial roles. Season 1 of the series has recently hit the screens, and today we will get to know about season 2 of Dangerous.
Dangerous Season 2 Release Date
Dangerous is a web series currently streaming on Mx Player for season 1. The first season has garnered decent accolades from the audiences and critics, and everyone is waiting for the news about the second season. But the team has not revealed any news about the second season, when and where it will release. But there is speculation that the second season of dangerous will release next year that is in 2021 around the same month. We’re still waiting for any official news on the second season.
Dangerous Season 2 Cast
We’re expecting the major cast of season 1 to make a comeback in season 2. And since there is no announcement on season 2 and nothing has been revealed yet, we’re expecting the same cast. So the predicted cast might have:
Karan Singh Grover as Aditya Dhanraj
Bipasha Basu as Neha Singh
Sonali Raut as Dia Dhanraj
Suyyash Rai as Vishal Vashisht
Natasha Suri as Gauri
Nitin Arora as Jaggu
Dangerous season 2 Story
We are familiar with the plot that season one followed; it was about a kidnapping. The crime thriller had a few angles to the storyline, including a detective finding the missing wife of a business tycoon. The detective is the ex-girlfriend of the business tycoon and so much more drama that has entertained the audience. The maker, however, has not yet revealed anything more about the second season of the dangerous web series. But we’re speculating that if the series has been renewed for season 2, it will work on the same crime thriller stories. Everyone would be excited to see more of such crime thriller drama and stellar performances by the cast.
The team of Dangerous web series has not revealed anything more about the second season. The first season is streaming on the OTT platform Mx Player and is an original series starring Karan Singh Grover and Bipasha Basu. The story revolves around a crime thriller, and we’re hoping that any announcements about the second season will be made soon. So stay tuned for more updates on web series, entertainment, and much more on world wire.
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