
French elections: EU apprehensive of Le Pen ahead of French run-off vote

French elections: EU apprehensive of Le Pen ahead of French run-off vote

After a relaxing bank holiday, European Union representatives come back to work on Tuesday. However, just across the border, the French presidential race is a battleground for the EU’s future. Marine Le Pen, a far-right candidate, claims she has no hidden “Brexit” agenda. Opponents, on the other hand, claim that her policies would jeopardise France’s membership in the EU. Supporters claim that Brussels had also failed to learn from the Brexit experience. On Weekend, voters will choose between Ms Le Pen as well as elected Emmanuel Macron, who finally led the centrist La République En Marche movement (Republic on the move).

Le Pen began taking a more moderate stance

In this election, Le Pen, the leader of the Rassemblement Citizen (National Rally), has begun taking a more moderate stance on the EU. So after months of discussions to attempt to radically reform the EU, her policy platform wanted a referendum on EU membership in 2017.

Le Pen

However, if you view this year’s file, “22 Measures for France,” the EU isn’t even mentioned. People talked about leaving the European Union’s single currency, the euro has also faded.

Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne And En Marche’s views on the elections

Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, a French government official and En Marche member, appears to believe her softer stance stems from her wish to “conquer the presidency.” “However, she is questioning some of the EU’s fundamentals,” he says. Unquestionably, a Le Pen victory will indeed lead to chaos in Brussels.

French Presidential elections

Unlike the United Kingdom, France was indeed a founding participant of the European Union and is now its second most profitable supporter. Marine Le Pen wants to reduce France’s EU contributions, tighten border controls, and hold a referendum on “uncontrolled” immigration.

Also read|Macron vs. Le Pen: Everything you need to know about the 2022 French presidential elections

Emmanuel Macron holds a rally in Marseille

On April 16, 2022, Emmanuel Macron continues to hold a political rally in Marseille, France. The election ran-off, according to Emmanuel Macron, is a referendum on Europe. This would include prioritising welfare, social housing, and job opportunities for French citizens.


These laws appear to be at odds to free flow and the supremacy of EU law. According to Jonathan Eyal, Associate Director at the Royal United Services Institute (Rusi), it’s the quest of “à la carte” membership. Whether other member states, such as Poland and Hungary, team up with France to try to limit the European Commission’s powers, he says, her plans could lead to “paralysis” in the EU. It’s a part that resembles “a bunch of nation-states instead of a unified concept.”

“Frexit by the back door”

However, one Le Pen supporter claims that a softer agreement of nations or an “opt-in, opt-out” scheme would give the EU “new life.” Le Pen wants not to bind states parties from a “big bureaucratic machine,” according to National Protest councillor Patricia Chagnon of Abbeville. Those who “do not believe in restructuring the EU” are the ones who label Le Pen’s policies as “Frexit by the back door,” she claims.

Marine Le Pen

“Marine Le Pen wants to believe in respecting each member state’s sovereignty and independence while appreciating the importance of close cooperation,” she says. The vote on Sunday has been dubbed a “referendum on Europe” by Emmanuel Macron. According to Sylvie Kauffmann, editorial director of the French daily Le Monde, a Marine Le Pen victory would be an “earthquake” for the EU. She does, however, point to Mr Macron’s consistent lead in polling data and the fact that, even if Marine Le Pen were to defy the odds, she would face the challenge of winning a majority in the parliamentary elections in June.

What does Jonathan Eyal believe?

Nonetheless, Jonathan Eyal believes that a Le Pen presidency would be extremely disruptive to the West. He claims she would be “in a state of constant revolution” with the EU and Nato, the Western military alliance. Marine Le Pen, a former representative of the European Legislature, is no mystery to quarrels with Brussels.

She reacted angrily on Monday to claims that the EU’s anti-corruption agency, Olaf, had tried to accuse her as well as senior staff of embezzling and over €600,000 (£500,000) during their time as MEPs. It was described by her as “The European Union has delivered a series of low blows just days before the second round… I flatly deny these accusations, which I was not even aware of when they were made “. All eyes in Brussels are now on Wednesday’s crucial live television broadcast.

Who is Jean Louis Marie Le Pen?

Jean Louis Marie Le Pen is a far-right politician in France who led the National Front as well 1972 to 2011. From 2011 to 2015, he was also Honorary President of the National Front.


In 1949, he earned a degree from the Paris Faculty of Law. After serving in the military, he went to Panthéon-Assas University to study political science and law.

Who is Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne?

Since 2019, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, a member of the French political party La République En Marche! (LREM), has served as Secretary of State for Europe and Foreign Affairs in the government agencies of consecutive Prime Ministers Édouard Philippe and Jean Castex.


Lemoyne had become deputy chair of a UMP parliamentary group in the National Assembly after the 2007 presidential and legislative elections. Under subsequent chairmen Jean-François Copé (2007-2010) and Christian Jacob (2011-2014), he held this position until 2014. (2010-2014).

Who is Jonathan Eyal?

Senior Manager, Jonathan Eyal, Assistant Director of Strategic Research Partnerships, RUSI International Dr Eyal is the Royal United Services Institute’s Associate Director of Strategic Research Partnerships and International Director.

Jonathan Eyal

He was raised in Romania but has spent the majority of his time in the United Kingdom.



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Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.

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