
GoFundMe Scam – Are they really scamming Donation money from Freedom Convoy?

GoFundMe Scam

Social Crowdfunding site GoFundMe recently dropped down the funds of Freedom Convoy hosted by Canadia Truckers. There was much pressure on GoFundMe to drop this campaign.

There was a huge buzz on the internet even  Tesla founder Elon Musk has accused crowdfunding site GoFundMe of “double standards” after it withheld funds from a convoy of anti-vaxx Canadian truckers.

GoFundMe Scam – Are they really scamming Donation money from Freedom Convoy?

Hundreds of truckers have shut down Ottawa for eight days to protest mandatory vaccinations against Covid-19.

According to GoFundMe, its alleged “promotion of violence and harassment” caused them to block almost $10million CAD, which is around £5.8million, in donations to the so-called “Freedom Convoy.”

That is why Musk took to Twitter to suggest that the internationally-renowned company is a “professional thief.”

Additionally, TrustPilot.com pulled GoFundMe pending an investigation.

It was suggested not to use the refund form on gofundme.com. Chargeback or open a dispute with your bank; this way, gofundme will have to pay 15USD, or more, for each chargeback. Every bank works this way. Spread the word as much as you can. Gofundme will lose a lot of money if we are successful.

GoFundMe has been boycotted by some. Besides shutting down the Truckers Convoy fund, they also did the following:

  • Shutting down Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense fund, but allowing BLM rioters’ funds to remain active (source)

  • Candace Owens’ page was taken down for daring to speak out against serial criminal George Floyd (source).

  • A former Trump staffer, Matt Braynard, was trying to raise money for an investigation into voter fraud (source).

The same GoFundMe supported Antifa-occupied “CHAZ/CHOP,” even after people were murdered!


About the author

Sanjay Singh

Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.


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  • Gofundme owners are scam artist who have made 10’s of millions each in fees.. then use their power to block conservative find raising such as Kyle rittenhouse but allow rioters from BLM to continue.. I feel sorry the the Canadian truckers etc.. just google gofundme founders net worth .. horrible