Good Girls is an American crime comedy-drama television series which is created by Jenna Bans, and it premiered on NBC on February 26, 2018. The series is produced by Bans, Dean Parisot, and Jeannine Renshaw for Universal Television. The series has been airing for a good three seasons, and the 4th season of Good Girls has also been renewed. The production for the 4th season is running a little late because of the COVID-19 pandemic but will air soon.
Good Girls season 3 episode 12 release date
As we know, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many series had to come to a standstill. Good Girls is one of them, the series was initially going to air for 16 episodes, but due to the lockdown, it went to a midseason finale. Season 3 ended at the 11th episode and will serve as the end of that series. Good Girls will now directly come out with season 4, which will be completely new and not a continuation of the third season. Stargirl episode 13
Good Girls cast
Christina Hendricks as Elizabeth “Beth” Boland
Retta as Ruby Hill
Mae Whitman as Annie Marks
Reno Wilson as Stanley Hill
Manny Montana as Christopher
Lidya Jewett as Sara Hill
Isaiah Stannard as Ben Marks
Matthew Lillard as Dean Boland
Ethan Suplee as Gil
Sally Pressman as Nancy
Sam Huntington as Noah
Jackie Cruz as Rhea
Noureen DeWulf as Krystal
Charlyne Yi as Lucy
Rob Heaps as Dr. Josh Cohen
Good Girls season 4 release date
There has been no official word on the release of Good Girls season 4, all the information that out consists that the 4th season was renewed on the 15th of May 2020. However, the release date has not been declared as of now, but there is speculation that the 4th season of Good Girls will be premiered in the year 2021 since everything was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Good Girls Plot
The story of Good Girls revolves around three lead characters who are mothers, out of which two are sisters. All of them have trouble meeting their daily ends, and they decide to rob a supermarket. Only to their surprise, they end up with more than they had imagined and things turn chaotic. When the store manager recognizes one of the three women but not for the robbery for a different reason altogether, how their lives then take a chaotic turn is the plot of Good Girls.
Good Girls will now directly be premiered for season 4 and will not continue with season 3. So the fans will have to wait for a while since there is no clear indication of when the 4th season will be released, but as soon as we have any news, we will make sure to put it across, so stay tuned to the world wire.
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