
Iranian Oil Magnate Cuts Emissions Using 1.2 Million Fuel Magnets!

Air pollution is currently Iran’s major environmental issue, particularly in the capital city of Tehran but also in other cities like Tabriz. Tehran produces over 1.5 million tonnes of pollutants per year, with carbon monoxide from vehicle exhausts accounting for the majority of these pollutants. Face masks are currently the only means of protection for Iranians, and an astounding 4,000–5,000 individuals in Tehran are thought to pass away from air pollution every year!

The Environment Department of Iran and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JAICA) decided to work together to lower Tehran’s pollution levels. Tehran has invested $2.2 billion in a 15-year project with a goal of lowering air pollution in Tehran by 16% by the year 2014. This is because Tehran understands that the solution to the country’s air pollution problems involves more than simply token efforts. The World Bank, Japanese experts, and Iranian environmentalists came up with the compromise proposal, which calls for actions to improve public transportation and phase out outdated vehicles.

Nearly 2 million vehicles, the majority of which are in Tehran, are over 20 years old and have very low fuel efficiency. They are also incapable of using lead-free fuels and lack catalytic converters. President Khatami announced in January 2002 that “all Iranian-made cars will be given with favourable requirements for fuel economy from now on.” Khatami also promised that Iran would soon switch to lead-free gasoline.

Ethosworld.com Ltd. has been awarded a first contract to provide Iran with 1.2 million Ethos MAXPower fuel economizers as part of this extensive cleanup campaign. Although these units are widely offered in the West for their exceptional fuel-saving capabilities, Iran is much more interested in them for their superior pollution reduction capabilities. The MAXPower unit not only significantly lowers fuel consumption but also dangerous vehicle emissions by as much as 50%.

Felix Bloch and Edward Mills Purcell shared the 1952 Nobel Prize for Physics for research on magnetic fields on solid, liquid, and gaseous materials. It’s not new to use a strong magnetic field to enhance fuel burn in combustion engines. In the 1940s, reports of the use of magnetic fields to enhance combustion performance first surfaced. On their Mustang aircraft, the U.S. Air Force installed a device that improved performance and range on gasoline of lower quality. The Royal Air Force utilised this on Spitfire and Hurricane aircraft after it proved to be a great success. In order to create the necessary strength of magnetic field, the machines of the time relied on electromagnetism, which made them highly heavy and unwieldy. But as a result of the development of new neodymium super magnets, devices no bigger than a matchbox can now produce even more potent magnetic fields.

According to the theory underlying the principle, when a very strong magnetic field is directly delivered to a fuel supply line, it conditions the fuel in a way that makes it combine with oxygen in the air more readily and, as a result, burn more thoroughly when ignited. Since unburned fuel particulates make up the majority of exhaust pollution, this improved burn generates more power from the same amount of fuel while emitting far less pollution. This can be proved quickly and easily using common emissions testing equipment found in any garage or MOT testing facility for vehicles.

The Warren Springs Laboratories, a division of the UK government’s DTI responsible for vehicle testing, was contracted in 1992 to conduct comprehensive trials on the advantages of magnetic fuel conditioning technology. The Warren Springs Laboratories were very taken aback by the findings. Their comprehensive 16-page report attested to the increased power, enhanced fuel efficiency, and decreased hazardous emissions.

In short, they said the following in their conclusion: “Both test series revealed consistent drops in carbon dioxide, fuel use, and nitrogen oxides; but, when the test unit was taken out of the equation, the trend was reversed. Additionally, throughout the second series of tests, the power increase seen in the first round of tests was maintained and slightly increased to 11% “.

Peter Aldred, the CEO of Ethos World, stated the following when questioned: “We are thrilled to have secured this significant contract to supply Iran following our highly successful two years of extensive trials in Tehran, which demonstrated the superior emission reduction capabilities of fitting our Ethos MAXPower fuel units.

The Iranians have agreed to begin installing our systems on all of their new vehicles after two years of collaboration and highly successful government trials. We are certain that they have made a significant advancement in their effort to reduce air pollution, and that this will significantly ease their nation’s pollution issues.

It is a significant contract for our company, as you could expect, and we are certain that the enormous credibility it gives us and our fuel economisers will assist to open many new doors for us in other nations who have comparable pollution concerns right now.

In Europe, demand for our MAXPower units is rising in step with the rising cost of fuel at the pump. With gas prices at all-time highs of £4.00+ per gallon, even a 10% fuel savings would save you 40p per gallon over the course of your lifetime! In particular for fleet owners and high mileage drivers, the retail price of our MAXPower unit is £50.00, which at current gasoline prices gives exceptionally quick payback times.

The UK government first tested and validated the efficacy of this technology in 1992, and the Iranian government did the same in 2005. Fuel economizers made by Ethos MAXPower actually perform what they advertise: they save you money and significantly aid in the preservation of the environment. We don’t actually own the world we live on; rather, we are only its custodians. If everyone did their part by installing a MAXPower unit right away, it would have a profound impact on all of our tomorrows.”

About the author

Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.

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