
Isotonix.org Wins The Anti-aging War With Isotonix Opc-3 Antioxidant

It contains oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC’s), a powerful combination of plant derived bioflavonoids. In addition to grape seed, pine bark and red wine extracts, the product also contains bilberry and citrus extracts and is extremely effective at neutralizing free radicals. In addition to being powerful antioxidants, they also have an important role to play in strengthening the capillaries and supporting the circulatory system. A lifetime of OPC-3 supplementation is recommended.

Our bodies are comprised of billions of molecules held together by electromagnetic forces. The chemical bonds that hold them together are formed by electrons paired together. A free radical is an unstable molecule that has lost an electron and is unbalanced as a result. By attacking nearby molecules, free radicals seek to replace the lost electron and extract desired electrons. In a chain reaction known as radical propagation, one free radical can damage a million or more molecules.

A lot of damage occurs when oxidation occurs uncontrollably, similar to the effects we see in the environment, such as metal rusting, meat rotting, apples browning, or rubber hardening. There are many reasons why free radicals oxidize our bodies, including premature aging, wrinkles on the skin, hardening of arteries, stiffening of joints, cataracts, cancer, and others.

We are constantly exposed to free radicals via such processes as antimicrobial activity by white blood cells and the absorption of chemical additives in our foods. Our ability to fight free radical damage effectively is compromised by our inadequate nutritional choices or diets that contain limited amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidant supplementation is necessary if we are unable to reduce our exposure to free radicals, but wish to counter their effect.

Vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and selenium are all antioxidants that should be taken with OPCs.

History of OPC-3

An expedition led by French explorer Jacques Cartier up the St. Lawrence River in 1534. The crew of Cartier became deficient of vitamin C and started showing symptoms of scurvy when they were trapped by bad weather. They were forced to survive on salted meat and biscuits. Many crew members died before the surviving members encountered a friendly Native American who saved them most of the time. In order to cure their illness, he instructed them to make tea from pine needles and bark. As a result, Cartier and his crew survived, and some 400 years later, Professor Jacques Masquelier of Bordeaux University, France, read the book written by Cartier. In addition to containing some vitamin C, pine bark contained bioflavonoids, whose effects are similar to those of vitamin C. He concluded that pine bark contained some bioflavonoids. The pine bark contained a variety of proanthocyanidin complexes, according to further studies. Grape seeds, cranberries, peanut skin, lemon tree bark, and citrus rinds also contain these compounds. In the scientific community, oligomeric proanthocyanidins, or OPCs, are referred to as the active ingredients in pine bark, which Masquelier referred to as “pycnogenols”. OPC’S Outstanding Safety Record
Over one million people worldwide utilize these valuable bioflavonoids every day. Over 30 years ago, they were prescribed by doctors under medical supervision and there have been no adverse effects reported. At leading research centers worldwide, including the Pasteur Institute, OPCs have been tested repeatedly for safety using conventional, scientific methods. Researchers have found that OPCs are nontoxic, non-antigenic, non-teratogenic, non-mutagenic, and non-carcinogenic.

There are oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) in the OPC-3 DVANTAGEOPC-3 from Isotoix.org, including grape seed, red wine and pine bark extracts. There are 92% active OPCs in grape seed extract, while 84% are in pine bark extract. Red wine extract contains flavonoids called leucocyanidins from the skin. The bioflavonoids hemocyanins and citronellol in OPC-3 support the circulatory system. They also contain bilberry and citrus extracts, which affect vision and histamine release.

In terms of active ingredients and isotonic capacity, this combination of OPCs is superior to all others on the market. In isotonic solution to maximize absorption, this powerful formula will be delivered to your system the way nature intended it to be – in an isotonic solution. It mixes instantly when added to water, has a pleasant grape flavor, and is vegetarian. It should be taken on an empty stomach to ensure the active ingredient is delivered as quickly and effectively as possible.

A percentage estimate was developed by D. Marie-Claude Dumon, University of Bordeaux, France.

About the author

Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.

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