Jared Schmeck initially made headlines for enunciating “let’s go Brandon” on a Christmas eve phone call with president Joe Biden. After that, Schmeck quickly gained momentum as a Conservative icon in the U.S.
Schmeck’s ascent to celebrity status
The president and first lady Jill Biden first made the acquaintance of Schmeck, a 35-year-old ex-cop working for an electric firm while accepting calls from the NORAD “Santa tracker.” Even though the Bidens asked Schmeck about his children’s Christmas wishes, the call concluded with Schmeck giddily screaming “Come On, Brandon,” a widespread right-wing euphemism for “f*** Joe Biden.”
After the video went viral and backlash ensued, Schmeck told an Oregon newspaper that he didn’t want to offend anyone and that it was only a “joke.” Meanwhile, Schmeck claimed to be under assault for exercising his right to free speech under the First amendment. He also alleged that his family had received threatening phone calls ever since the incident.
Schmeck invited to the War Room podcast.
A few days after Schmeck told Vice President Joe Biden that he had “no animosity” towards him, Schmeck appeared on the right-wing podcast War Room: Pandemic, hosted by former Breitbart chief Steve Bannon, who was recently charged with contempt of Congress for ignoring a subpoena in the investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.
Schmeck, sporting a red “Make America Great Again” baseball cap, said that he and his family “had a pretty nice chuckle” after his phone call with president Biden. After that, Schmeck said he said it “light-heartedly.” He also stated it was an opportunity to “express my dissatisfaction of this man and his government.”
“I don’t follow any individual blindly,” Schmeck said, repeating remarks he’s made to other media sources about his Christian faith and devotion to “God first and foremost.”
“I know the phrase “Come On, Brandon” has a nasty meaning, but I’m not so simple-minded, no matter how I feel about him. From the looks of him, he’s a kind fellow. There is no hostility or anything like that between the two parties. Just an innocent joke to convey my God-given freedom to vent my frustrations in a light-hearted manner. I adore him in the same way I adore any of my other siblings,” Schmeck said on the podcast.
A parent from Oregon, Schmeck, said he had an issue with any reporting that said that Trump supporters should not call him “Trumper.” Schmeck corrected Bannon on the podcast, saying, “That’s completely incorrect. In my opinion, Donald Trump should still be president because he’s my president.”
Schmeck’s personal life
Jared Schmeck is married to Amanda Mae Sales Schmeck.
The couple is blessed with two children, Hunter Schmeck and Griffin Schmeck. When Jared informed President Biden about Hunter during the controversial phone call, Biden mentioned that he, too, had a grandchild called Hunter.
Concerning the controversy that erupted when Schmeck said ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ on the Christmas phone conversation, his wife stated in an Instagram post, ‘My husband may or may not have just told Joe and Jill Biden, “let’s go Brandon” on the phone.’
Educational background and career
Schmeck obtained an associate’s degree in electrical science with the Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee in Oregon. This was while working as an electrical apprentice with Winema Electric.
In April 2012, he was hired as a police officer by the Medford Police Department in Medford, Oregon. He resigned from the Medford Police Department on July 15, 2018.
Details as to why Schmeck resigned from the office above in the police force are not available. However, it is possible he resigned to open his own business named Winema Electric Inc., an electric company based in Klamath Falls; he began working as an office administrator at Winema Electric Inc. in January 2018. Currently, he is working at Winema Electric Inc. as an office administrator and safety coordinator.
Origin of ‘Let’s go Brandon’
‘Let’s go Brandon’ is a minced political oath for ‘f**k Joe Biden’ used in reference to pro-Trump propaganda post his defeat in the presidential elections of 2020.
In early September 2021, chants of ‘f**k Joe Biden’ resonated through the crowds at various sporting events. ‘Let’s go Brandon’ came into use when Kelli Stavast, an NBC reporter, incorrectly described a chant of ‘f**k Joe Biden’ at a NASCAR race as ‘Let’s go Brandon’ during an interview of driver Brandon Brown on October 2, 2021. The phrase quickly spread through pop culture. It referred to in rap songs and through use by Republican politicians and Biden critics.
‘Let’s go Brandon’ becomes a catch-phrase for Republicans.
Republican politicians have been known to use the phrase without any qualms. On October 21, Bill Posey concluded comments on the house floor with ‘Let’s go, Brandon.‘ The phrase again made headlines when Texas governor Gregg Abbot used it in a tweet on October 22. In the following week, Jeff Duncan, a Republican representative, wore a face mask bearing the slogan as legend on the house floor. Senator Ted Cruz was photographed with a ‘Let’s go Brandon’ sign hung in Houston at the 2021 world series. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert showed up on November 4 wearing a red dress bearing the slogan on the back for a meeting with Trump.
Also read:
Christmas Came Early! Biden Agrees and Says “Let’s Go, Brandon!”
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