
Joe Biden vs Donald Trump: Following George Floyd and the COVID-19 Virus, Joe Biden smells an opportunity

Joe Biden vs Donald Trump

New York: In a poll undertaken by the infamous New York Times and Siena College, Democrat Joseph R. Biden has been able to get better off his counterpart Republican Donald J Trump using the ongoing support from women and people of color and eating up seats that were traditionally Republican leanings. This could be seen as an aftermath of the horrendous murder of George Floyd and the president’s inability to deal with the virus, which has lead to tremendous impact in the country. 

As of now, Biden is ahead of Trump by 14 percentage points, the former having won 50% of the seats and the later having backed 36% of seats. This clearly shows the mood of thousands of Americans who have been ardently waiting for this opportunity for a couple of years. Following his victory not due to majority- that is over 51%, but only because he won more percentage votes than his erstwhile rival Clinton, Trump has done little to win over votes or broaden his base. 

Joe Biden vs Donald Trump

Yet this dispassionate interest, coupled with his lazy response to the terrifying virus and the aggressive response to racial justice protest, has affected his overall fight for the elections of 2020. This poll also speaks volumes of the country’s combined efforts this time not to be swayed from Big Data Analytics and targeted advertisements, something that Trump was able to use last time and get away with it. 

On the other hand, Joe Biden got a majority of votes from people of color, including African American people and Hispanic people. There was also a spur in women voters along with young people who are now very much aware of Trump’s tactics to manipulate them into voting for him indirectly. The margin that Joe has achieved from these typically Republican voters by default is even more than what Hilary was able to achieve in the polls of summer 2016. 

Trump also faced an impeachment row earlier this year and with several sexual allegation charges against him leaked by the group ‘Anonymous,’  he will have to face the repercussions of those in the present election. 

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Joe Biden vs Donald Trump

It is also further hyphenated by a huge spur in the candidates filing themselves as independent because they don’t really see any further scope among either of the two parties. The two-party system doesn’t deal with having a majority, it just needs any one of them to gain higher votes than the other. This creates a lot of hindrances because independent candidates can be swayed accordingly at their disposal. 

Although some of them are also hailing Trump because of his counter aggressiveness against the WTO and China. His being reasonably vocal about this and putting trade restrictions and embargoes on China’s imports will mean that the local businesses will flourish, and the liberal policies will now be more inclined towards being self-dependent. Who are you going to vote for this winter? 

About the author

Sanjay Singh

Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.

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