Ekta Kapoor again made it to the news with her television drama, “Kehne Ko Humsafar Hai.” This television drama aired for season 3 on the 6th of June 2020, and a lot of buzzes was created around it. What this series deals with is the life of Rohan Mehra and his affairs with two women in his life Ananya and Poonam.
According to the fans, season 3 ended up keeping many loose ends and abruptness in the story. Nonetheless, this story is a lot different from the mainstream stories that we have seen in Indian television dramas. This story of season 3 gives fans an exciting chill of what to expect from season 4 and the Plot that thickness even more.
Kehne Ko Humsafar Hai Season 4
According to what Ekta Kapoor said in a recent interview, season 4 will have s fresh new base. A new character will make an appearance that will create more exciting events in the story. She also said that this a true story based on the life of an actor and their extra material affair. The season will have a few things picked from the previous one, but the base will be completely different than the other three seasons.
Speaking more about her television drama in an interview, she said, this show tackles the problems in a tangled relationship in the form of love, complexities, and pain. Most people start questioning their own decisions and actions at some point in a relationship or career, just like the actors in this show.
Kehne Ko Humsafar Hai Season 4 Cast
-Ronit Roy as Rohit
-Mona Singh as Ananya
-Gurdeep Kohli as Poonam
-Pooja Banerjee as Bani
-Palak Jain as Nikki
-Neena Cheema as Dadi
-Apoorva Agnihotri as Harry
-Suchitra Pillai as Sheena
And many other characters are to the list of people in the series.
Fans have been praising the show and are eagerly waiting for the news on the upcoming season. The series has a fresh new concept by Ekta Kapoor, and fans are surely loving this one and have already developed theories about what is coming next in the season.
But with Ekta Kapoor giving out tiny deets about the new cast and a fresh new plot, fans have never been this excited to know more about a television drama.
So stay tuned for more updates on season 4 of “Kehne ko Humsafar hai.”
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