Kennedy presses Biden on support for IMF currency for Russia, Iran, and China

Kennedy presses Biden on support for IMF currency for Russia, Iran, and China

Sen. John Kennedy is looking for answers about why the International Monetary Fund has been supported by Biden’s administration to provide internal currency to opponents like Russia, Iran and China.

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Kennedy, a Louisiana Republican, told the Washington Examiner that not much attention has been paid to the fact that the allocation of $650 has been backed by the administration. For the U.S dollars and other currencies, the SDRs can be exchanged.

Kennedy’s main suspicions with last year’s SDR allowance are that U.S. opponents such as Russia, China, and Iran were among the recipients of the funds and no congressional confirmation was needed for the allowance of money considering how it was allocated. A hearing is being called by the senator to look into why they greenlit that money and if there are plans for extra allotment.


Kennedy noted the time when allocation came was when the United States and European allies were already aware that the troops were being massed near Ukraine by Putin. Last year in March, the U.S. European Command put forward its comprehension level to “potential imminent crisis” in response to the promotion.

“We ought to hold hearings and ask why they’re doing this,” the senator said, adding that he frequently interviewed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on the matter when she was on Capitol Hill. “There is some reason they wanted to do this, this is a gift to Iran, it’s a gift to China.”

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The push behind the new SDRs was to provide relief to the poor nations that are struggling from the consequence of the COVID-19

An SDR is a form of international reserves assets that can be used by countries to exchange for freely applicable currencies at a fixed exchange rate. All members of the IMF countries have been given a share of the SRDs.

Kennedy said that giving out the money using SDRs is an inadequate direction of empowering poor countries with capital because the funds are apportioned based on a country’s donation to the IMF, and the contributions of the poorest provinces give very little assistance.

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Russia obtained $17 billion of the IMF properties, Iran got some $4.5 billion in the contract, and China obtained $40 billion in SDRs. Kennedy called the SDRs a “gift card” that leaders like Russia’s Vladimir Putin can present and redeem for funds.

Yellen has rolled back on the controversy with the SDRs by saying that the U.S. would not agree to exchange the SDRs for dollars for provinces that are bad performers, such as Iran. These countries can try to exchange SDRs in their respective currencies like euros, yen, pounds, and the Chinese currency yuan.

Scrutiny of the SDR allocation has increased since the President of Russia invaded Ukraine. A U.S official told Reuters last month that the U.S is working with its supporter to stop benefiting Russia from the funding of last year’s allowance.

“The United States is committed to taking all measures to prevent Russia from benefiting from its holdings of IMF SDRs,” the official said. “As a result of sanctions by the United States and our partners, the Russian regime would face significant, even insurmountable, hurdles to use its SDRs.”

The US is trying all possibilities to prevent Russia from benefits

Although, some still fear that Russia might turn toward China in the exchange of SDRs for the Chinese currency Yuan. It May be possible Beijing may not concentrate on strategic Values in Allowing Russia to skirt U.S. and allied liabilities.

“They’re stuck with their SDRs unless China is prepared to come in,” David Andrews, a former IMF official and now a consultant with the Center for Global Development, told Bloomberg. “I can’t see the incentive for China to do it. It’s one thing to not be taking part in sanctions. It’s another thing to overtly break them.”

When the Washington Examiner contacted for comment, The Treasury Department came up with a letter in a match which was sent to Rep. French Hill, an Arkansas Republican. In the letter, assistant Treasury secretary for legislative affairs Jonathan Davidson said that the U.S. is trying all its possibilities to stave off Putin to get the benefit from its IMF SDR ownership.


The letter reads that the United States and their supporters encompass the prevalence of available counterparties in the IMF’s SDR exchange market.

This coalition will not undertake SDR approvals with Russia. If the Central Bank of Russia were able to amass key available currencies U.S. dollars, euros, yen, or pounds as a result of an SDR transaction, new sanctions would effectively fasten those properties, along with Russia’s other foreign exchange stocks in this asset.

Kennedy introduced legislation called the No Dollars for Dictators Act last year that would require congressional authorization for allocations of SDRs to state supporters of terrorism and criminals of genocide.

Kennedy stated last June when he instructed the bill, “Congress is responsible for administering taxpayer money and this bill would stop the Biden administration from making an end-run around the Constitution on behalf of the world’s worst despots. The hostile regime is working permanently to undermine the safety of America and its achievement every day but they should not be helped by them.”








About the author

William Smith

William Smith is a dynamic editor at World-Wire, covering a wide range of topics including health, technology, travel, and events. Known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, he engages readers with his insightful FAQs and articles. His diverse expertise has earned him accolades, including the "Excellence in Diverse Journalism" award in 2022.

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