
Megyn Kelly Torches Joe Biden, Says He ‘Misleads Us At Every Turn’

Megyn Kelly Torches Joe Biden, Says He 'Misleads Us At Every Turn'

Independent journalist Megyn Kelly tore into former Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson over her defence of President Joe Biden as the world is engulfed in numerous conflicts.

What did Williamson complain about?

During an interview on “The Megyn Kelly Show,” Williamson complained that Americans are too deep in their own political corners, saying people should react to news as Americans.

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Williamson replied to Eisenhower’s views, saying, “Eisenhower said that the American mind at its best is both liberal and conservative. We are E Pluribus Unum, we are different political views, we are different ideologies,” Williamson began. “But there must be some unifying principles on which we agree to agree.”

Marianne Williamson

Williamson’s view on Biden And Trump came out as, “Whether it’s Biden that is behaving in an outrageous way or it is Trump behaving in an outrageous way, we shouldn’t respond to these things just as Republicans or Democrats. We should respond to them as Americans,” Williamson continued.

Kelly Fired back at Williamson

Kelly fired back with examples of Biden behaving in ways that she argued are outrageous. “We see Joe Biden do things like the eviction moratorium, which he knew was unlawful. And the same thing with the mandate on the vaccines, he knew it was going to get struck down but he did it anyway,” Kelly said.

“If we’re going to be based in reality, let’s be based in reality. And this president misleads us at every turn — and the media misleads us at every turn. When it comes to media when it comes to ‘Russiagate,’ I mean, and we’re supposed to just look at the ‘orange man bad’ and blame it all on him,” she continued.

Megyn Kelly

Williamson was not happy about this and argued that Kelly was playing the “us versus them” narrative, saying: “Even what you’re just saying stays stuck in the right versus left.” Kelly hit back, saying it’s a question of “right versus wrong.”Williamson moved on and then complained, that former President Donald Trump had continued domestic oil production.

“We have to do it — We have to do it, Marianne. People who need to power their houses and need cheap energy cannot get by with the prices we’re going to impose on them,” Kelly hit back, explaining that the high cost of forcing a move to green energy was not feasible for most Americans. “If we had started a just transition to clean energy back when Jimmy Carter first talked about it, we would not be vulnerable to Russia the way we are right now,” Williamson complained. “This used to be a country that knew how to respond to emergencies.”

He ‘Misleads Us At Every Turn’ –Megyn Kelly on Joe Biden

Kelly then brought up how Biden is being weak by not strengthening the military after the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan was a display of weakness. “Not flexing that muscle — going into the fetal position was a disaster!” Kelly said. “Do I get to talk now?” Williamson snidely asked before turning the conversation back to green energy, arguing that dependence on Russian oil was the problem.

Megyn Kelly

“If we had moved into green energy — into clean energy over the last few years when we should have — we wouldn’t need to be horsed to Russia.” Kelly pushed back again, saying that the United States had been energy independent when Trump was president. “There’s nothing wrong with natural gas!”


About the author

Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.

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