Nikki Haley, The Next Vice-President of USA? Check Updates Here

Nikki Haley, The Next Vice-President of USA?

At the National Convention of the Republican Party of America, Republican leader Nikki Haley strongly supported President Donald Trump stating that

“Joe Biden and the Democrats still oppose America First (the Americans first interest).” Donald Trump puts America first. He should choose the president for another four years. ”

“Under the leadership of Donald Trump, we did what Barack Obama and Joe Biden could not. We stood for America … We have stood against our enemies. ”

“America is not a racist country. This is my personal experience. I am the proud daughter of Indian immigrants. He came to America and settled in a small southern city. The people of South Carolina made me the first minority and female governor. ”

Nikki Haley, The Next Vice-President of USA?

In a nearly nine-and-a-half minute speech on Monday, she attacked Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden on domestic and foreign issues and praised Donald Trump’s policies.

She reiterated the words of US Ambassador to the United Nations, Jean Kirk Patrick, in 1984, stating that since then, Democrats have been opposing the policy of America First (Americans first).

Nikki Haley praised Donald Trump’s decisions and achievements on the issues of North Korea, Iran, Israel, and China as part of the US First Policy.

Nikki Haley said that “President Trump has established a record of strength and success.” Former Vice President Joe Biden has shown weakness and failure. He proved to be good for Iran and ISIS, great for Communist China, and God for whoever wanted to degrade and harm America. ”

According to Nikki, “Donald Trump, leaving weak in the case of North Korea, imposed strong restrictions on him. He broke the nuclear deal with Iran. He was tough on China and won ISIS. He also gave the country the level of the economy. Took forward while Joe Biden followed.

Why is Nikki Haley important?

There has been a discussion about the appointment of an American citizen of Indian origin Nikki Haley as the President and Vice-Presidential candidate, but currently, she is not contesting for any post.

Despite this, they are getting special importance in the US elections. They can be projected by making them the important face of the party. The reason for this is being told to Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential vice-presidential candidate.

Nikki Haley, The Next Vice-President of USA?

About 40 lakh 50 thousand people of Indian origin live in America. Despite being less in number, his influence in politics is increasing. According to Joe Biden’s election campaign, there are about 13.1 lakh American Indian voters in the US whose biases can prove to be decisive in eight constituencies.

At the same time, according to an assessment by the Trump Victory Indian American Finance Committee, “About half of the Indian American voters can go in favour of Trump rather than Biden.”

The political journey of Nikki Haley 

Nikki Haley came into politics at an early age. In 2004, she reached the US Parliament from the US state of South Carolina.

In 2010, Nikki Haley set the record for becoming the first governor from a minority community, the first female governor of South Carolina and the youngest governor in the United States. After this, in 2014, he again succeeded in becoming Governor of South Carolina. She held this position till 2017.

From 2016, his place in the Republican Party began to strengthen. Nikki Haley was then chosen to respond to former President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address. She has been in support of cuts in taxes, abortion restrictions and effective enforcement of immigration laws. There are also discussions about Nikki Haley that she can be made the presidential candidate of the Republican Party in the next presidential election.

Even before this, there has been talking of becoming her presidential candidate in the year 2018. However, Haley then refused to contest the election. She had then said that she is not going to contest the presidential election in 2020 and that she will campaign for the Trump in the next election as well.

Nikki Haley is now campaigning for Trump, but will she be able to unite people of Indian origin in support of Donald Trump?

About the author

Praneet Thakur

Praneet Thakur is a dynamic entrepreneur and SEO expert from Mumbai, known for founding startups like ShoutRank and World Wire. His expertise in digital marketing and passion for blogging have helped clients achieve top rankings in competitive markets. As an editor for World-Wire, Praneet has made significant contributions to the internet news and marketing industry.


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  • I lost respect for her when she badmouthed my President Trump. She saw her support fall immediately so now she’s walking it back. President Trump needs LOYAL people around him NOT like Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions, Bill Barr, but honest people like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, M.Talyor Green, Candice Owens, etc.
    I am still waiting for McCarthy to remove Liz Chaney….if he doesn’t then he showing his true colors.
    Nikki Haley you are not loyal to our President so we are not loyal to you.

  • Nikki Haley Should Never Be More Than A Congress Woman. She Wasn’t A Good Governor, She Caved On Every Issue The Media Criticized Her About. She Hasn’t The Courage To Stand Up For Most Any Issue.

  • Trump isn’t falling for rhinos anymore. He may need her in some position but she should never be close to the whitehouse.
    Helping the America First Agenda was never intentions.