Overlord is a Japanese anime television series that is based on the light novel series by the same name written by Kugane Maruyama, and it is illustrated by so-bin. The script composition by Yukie Sugawara and was music composed by Shūji Katayama. The second season of Overlord aired from the 10th of January 2018 to the 4th of April 2018, and it was followed by the third season that premiered on the 11th of July 2018.
Overlord Season 4 Release Date
Overlord season 3 has gripped to the minds of the and has left an everlasting impression, but the sad news for the fans is that they might have to wait a little longer for the series due to the pandemic situation. The team has not made any official statement as of now, but according to the rumors, the series is expected to release in mid-2021. So let us wait for the team to make any official statement on the release, and we will update the news as soon as we hear anything new.
Overlord season 4 Characters
Satoshi Hino – Momonga
Masayuki Katou – Narberal Gamma
Sumire Uesaka – Demi Urge
Yumi Hara – Albedo
Manami Numakura – Shalltear Bloodfallen
These are the names that everyone is expecting to make a comeback in season 4. However, there is no news on the additional characters or the confirmation of any names, but we’re hoping that these names make it to season 4.
Overlord season 4 Plot
In season 4 of Overlord protagonist, Aniz Ooal Gown will now be shown in a negative role with a dramatic rise in his powers. The powers are most likely to renew the kingdom and how the kingdom will be ruled with the power and strength necessary for the ruling. This twist will be something fascinating for the audience to witness, and no doubt, this has increased the expectations for the 4th season.
All the nine volumes story has been majorly covered in the past three seasons, and now the next season will most probably pick up from the next volume. The question is, will it include all the remaining ones, or will it not? Everyone will agree to the fact the story is drafted and presented in an appealing manner, and the plot twist in the next season will be overwhelming with the twist it has planned for the story. Is the audience in for a dark fantasy world of Overlord? This is something that only time will tell, so stay tuned to world wire to get more details about what’s in store in the entertainment section.
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