Path of Dragons Episode 1 Release Date: “Path of Dragons” is a Japanese drama, which shows that along with Korean dramas, Japanese dramas are also leaving a mark in their audience’s minds. And today, we will talk about one such Japanese drama and everything you need to know about the series.
Path of Dragons (Kdrama)
“Path of Dragons” is a Japanese Drama directed by Hidenori Joho, Kazuyuki Iwata, Kaede Kamiya, and is written by Toru Shirakawa and Eriko Shinozaki. This is another series that was hit because of the coronavirus pandemic, its production stopped for a while, so its release has been on halt, and it was premiering on the 14th of April 2020, but now it is delayed.
Path of Dragons Cast
Hiroshi Tamaki as Ryuichi Yabata
Issey Takahashi as Ryuji Yabata
Honoka Matsumoto as Misa Yoshie
Yoshihiko Hosoda as Akira Kirishima
Kunito Watanabe as Yoshinobu Otomo
Teruhiko Saigo as Hajime Sone
Marika Matsumoto as Mayumi Kirishima
Yuki Saito as Fujiko Kirishima
Kenichi Endo as Genpei Kirishima
Nao – Rinko Toyama
Hiroki Konno – Rintaro Sunagawa
Path of Dragons Story & Plot
The story of “Path of Dragons” revolves around two brothers Ryuichi and Ryuji who’s parents abandon them right after birth. But they get adopted by the Yoshie couple, who run a small shipping company. Later in some time, the Yoshies gave birth to their daughter Misa. And things go well for them for a while, and all of them lived happily until they are boys are 15. Items become a little chaotic after that when their parents start experiencing extremely dark days because of Genpei Kirishima, who runs a competing shipping company.
Genpei Kirishima tries to expand his business nationwide at this time, and he tries to take away business from the company owned by the Yoshies. And because of this move taken by Genpei Kirishima, the Yoshies family falls into big money owing, and eventually, they kill themselves. Ryuichi and Ryuji vow to get revenge on Genpei Kirishima.
And seven years later, Ryuichi becomes an entirely new person through plastic surgery, and he starts using someone else’s identity to take part in the criminal world. On the other hand, his brother Ryuji works for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism, to supervise shipping companies and keep an eye on their enemy.
Path of Dragons Episode 1 Release Date
“Path of Dragons” will be released on the 28th of July 2020. After the series’ delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the series is all set to grip the audience with its story and acting. The show will run every day Tuesday, which means the audience will get one new episode weekly on channels like Fuji TV, KTV. July is the entertainment season, and this series is all about entertainment, drama, and emotions. Stay tuned for more such content on web series, movies, and more on world Wire.
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