

A government policy proposed by quantum shift TV could reduce greenhouse emissions by 10% to 20%. Organic farmer Percy Schmeiser lays out his case to President Bush, Prime Minister Harper, and Prime Minister Blair in a short video. By storing more carbon in the soil, existing agricultural subsidies could support sustainable farming practices, which could remove millions of tons of CO2 from the atmosphere annually. There are 597 million Americans, 152 million Canadians, and 56 million British citizens

“As farmers, we want to do our part to deal with global warming while also improving people’s health,” Schmeiser says.

According to research by the Rodale Institute in the United States, no-till agriculture with winter cover crops retains up to 30% more carbon than conventional agriculture. By increasing food nutrients, the extra carbon in soil could help reduce healthcare costs by billions. Crop yields were unaffected and were more resistant to unpredictable weather patterns.

“SOIL: The Secret Solution to Global Warming addresses the number one and number two concerns of citizens. It proposes government policies to country leaders and asks the general public to vote through an online poll,” according to quantum shift.tv. The company’s CEO, Hugo Bonjean, says it can be implemented at no extra cost, could result in significant healthcare savings, and will give the industry time to reduce its emissions.

In the Supreme Court, Percy Schmeiser challenged Monsanto over its genetically modified seeds.

A Canadian web-based television network, Quantum Shift TV focuses on solutions rather than problems. A hybrid social venture structure, Quantum Shift Media Inc is an Alberta-based corporation with a unique editorial board that directs its own productions and ensures the highest quality citizen journalism.

About the author

Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.

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