
Read Crime of the Century book by Trump Online

Read Crime of the Century book by Trump Online

Former President Donald Trump recently announced at the American Freedom Tour, Texas, that he is currently in the process of writing a book titled ‘Crime of the Century’. This book title reflects a phrase commonly used by Trump to describe allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 US presidential elections in battleground states. His claims of voter fraud have been refuted in the courts more than 60 times.

Donald Trump said that the book will “depress” readers about the lie of electoral fraud that caused his defeat at the hands of Joe Biden in 2020.

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In a rally held in Austin, Trump continued to rail against the election’s integrity and insinuated that votes were meddled with and this cost him the presidency in 2020.

How to read ‘Crime of the Century’ Online

The book is still a work in progress and therefore has not been published yet. We will update information regarding ‘Crime of the Century’ as and when it surfaces. Stay tuned!

Trump’s statements regarding the ‘Crime of the Century’

“This is the crime of the century,” Trump told rally-goers Saturday in Austin, Texas, at the American Freedom Tour, referring to the widespread election fraud in the 2020 presidential elections. “I’m actually writing a book about it called The Crime of the Century. I don’t think you’ll enjoy it. You’ll be very depressed when you read it, but we want to have it down for historic reasons.”

Trump's tweet referring to the 2020 election fraud as the crime of the century
Trump’s tweet referring to the 2020 election fraud as the crime of the century

The “heist” of the 2020 election was “one of the greatest crimes in the history of our country. And sadly, the prosecutors don’t want to do anything about it,” Trump said.

About Winning Team Publishing

Winning Team Publishing was founded by  Sergio Gor and Donald Trump Jr. Winning Team Publishing bills itself as “the nation’s premier conservative publishing house.” It was launched in 2021. The main motive of Winning Team Publishing is  “to promote authors who represent the Silent Majority, America First patriots, and liberty minded readers,” according to the company.

Donald Trump's Our Journey Together
Donald Trump’s Our Journey Together


It has previously published Our Journey Together, also by Trump. The coffee table book chronicles Trump’s years as president and includes around 300 photos with captions written by Trump himself. Winning Team’s only other title is Liberal Privilege: Joe Biden and the Democrats’ Defense of the Indefensible, written by the former president’s son, Donald Trump Jr.

Winning Team Publishing
Winning Team Publishing

Winning Team Publishing announced that ” Crime of the Century” is indeed in progress via a tweet which reads, “NEW BOOK ALERT: CRIME OF THE CENTURY by President Donald J. Trump! More details coming soon at http://45books.com,” the company tweeted.

Trumpers’ reactions regarding the book

  • “Will it be in the horror, or fiction section?” one user asked.
  • “We lived it for 4 years. I certainly don’t need to read about his single term to know what a crime it was,” said another.
  • “Thank you for this. please tell me it’s real, and you will make my day!!,”

Other Books written by Former Donald Trump

Trump has written nearly 20 books. Books are mostly written by a variety of co-authors and ghostwriters. He wrote all these books during his tenure as the president of The United States.

Some renowned titles include:

  • The Art of the Deal (1987),
Trump The Art of The Deal cover first edition
Trump The Art of The Deal cover first edition
  • The Best Golf Advice I Ever Received (2005),
The Best Golf Advice I Ever Received
The Best Golf Advice I Ever Received
  • Think Big and Kick Ass (2007)
Think Big And Kick Ass
Think Big And Kick Ass

Things you might not know about Donald Trump

Donald John Trump was born on 14 June 1946 and is an American diplomat, media personality, and businessman who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021.

Trump’s political party union changed various times. He enrolled as a Republican in 1987, a member of the Independence Party, the New York state companion of the Reform Party in 1999, a Democrat in 2001, a Republican in 2009, unaffiliated in 2011, and a Republican in 2012.

Trump at MAGA rally

Trump’s political positions have been described as populist, protectionist, isolationist, and nationalist. He won the 2016 presidential race as the Republican nominee against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. He became the first U.S. president with no previous military or administration service.

A special counsel investigation led by Robert Muller in 2017- 2019 ascertained that Russia infringed in the 2016 election to benefit the Trump campaign, but not that members of the Trump campaign planned or organized Russian election intervention activities. Trump’s election and policies provoked various protests. Trump made many false and deceptive announcements during his campaigns and presidency, to a degree remarkable in American politics. He also promoted corruption theories. Many of his statements and activities have been portrayed as racially accused or racist, and many as misogynistic.


About the author

William Smith

William Smith is a dynamic editor at World-Wire, covering a wide range of topics including health, technology, travel, and events. Known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, he engages readers with his insightful FAQs and articles. His diverse expertise has earned him accolades, including the "Excellence in Diverse Journalism" award in 2022.

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