The Great Heist is a Columbian web television series based on a crime storyline that is currently streaming on Netflix for its season 1. The show is based on the robbery that took place in the year 1994; this was considered as one of the greatest thefts of the century. The Great Heist follows the likes of a similar show on Netflix known as Money Heist that has a massive fan base worldwide and a show that people are crazy about even today.
The Great Heist Season 2 Release Date
The Great Heist Season 1 was released on Netflix on the 14th of August 2020. Since the show has just released, it is difficult to tell the audience’s reaction to it and how well the show is perceived worldwide. Usually, in the pandemic period, one thing everyone has noticed that crime shows are gaining a lot of popularity, and if “The Great Heist” season 1 is well perceived by the audience and critics, then the news for season 2 shall be out in a few weeks. Since the trailer for season 2 is out yet, watch the trailer for the first season if you haven’t already.
The Great Heist Season 2 Cast
We’re expecting that most of the lead characters from the season 1 of The Great Heist will make an appearance in season 2 as well, so this might be the expected cast:
Andres Parra as Chayo
Christain Tappan as Molina
Marcela Benjumea as Dona K
Juan Sebastian Calero as El Sardino
Katherine Velez as Romy
Paula Castano as Carmen
Maria Camila Zea as Luisa
Ramses Ramos as Ulises
The Great Heist season 2 Plot
The Great Heist Season 1 consists of six episodes in total. The show is said to be revolving around the greatest robbery of Bank of Republic. This robbery took place in the year 1994 and was known as the greatest robbery of the century, for its execution was genuinely exceptional. The series is about how Columbia’s center based in Valledupar was made a dupe for multi-million dollars.
It is seen in the show that a group of thieves enter the bank disguised as air conditioning staff, and hey entered from the main door itself. The group of thieves consisted of exceptional robbers, an electronics specialist, four members of the police, the manager of the Agrarian Fund of a municipality of Cundinamarca, and three officials from the bank itself, including a cashier, the treasurer and the manager of the security system. We’re waiting for a word on the plot for season 2, so stay tuned; we’ll update any new information on World wire.
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