Mumbai: The mystery of Earth, Examining a huge number of records of seismic waves – sound waves penetrating into every part of the planet – the researchers found the proximity of huge structures, consisting of hot, thick stones, close to the center of the Earth.
Analysts from the University of Maryland (UMD) studied these sound waves collected over decades to discover the proximity of secret structures.
Sound waves that occurred in 1990 and 2018 were taken into account in the calculation of AI, known as a sequencer, which broke seismic waves in the same way that bats use sonar.
The mystery of Earth

“Sonar” from the depths introduced an image on which some strange structures were discovered.
Experts are not yet sure what these structures are made of, and the study shows how little researchers think about our planet, according to a study circulated in the Science diary.
Their study discovered a previously unknown structure under the volcanic islands of the Marquesas Islands in the South Pacific and demonstrated that the structure under the Hawaiian Islands is much larger than the recently known.
Doen Kim, Ph.D. in Geography at UMD and lead author of the article, said: “By looking at a large number of reflections of the boundary of the center and mantle at the same time, instead of concentrating on various at the same time, as is usually done, we have a completely different point of view.

“This makes us understand that there are many structures on the periphery of the central mantle that can create these echoes, and that was something we did not understand before, in light of the fact that we only had a hard look.”
“AI in earth sciences is developing quickly, and a strategy like the Sequencer permits us to methodicallly distinguish seismic reverberation signals and addition another comprehension of the structures at the base of the mantle, which remain to a great extent secretive.”
Vedran Lekic, partner educator of topography at the UMD and co-creator of the examination, stated: “We discovered reverberation flags in about 40% of all seismic wave ways.
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