
The UAE is going to Mars, Launching the Arab World into the Space Race

The UAE is going to Mars

The UAE is going to Mars: The first billion space missions to Mars will begin in the coming week. Refueling work will be started next week.

It will cover 493 million kilometers to reach Mars and will take seven weeks for this. Then it will revolve around the orbit of Mars. After this, it will start sending data on the environment and atmosphere of Mars to Earth. This expedition will collect the data of the year of Mars in the orbit of Mars, which is 687 days.

It will take 55 hours to orbit Mars orbit. At the press conference on Monday, Sarah Al-Amiri said that this project should encourage young Arab scientists who want to build their future in space engineering.

The UAE is going to Mars, Launching the Arab World into the Space Race.

The rocket will be launched from Japan

The UAE is going to Mars
The UAE is going to Mars

This satellite named Named Amal (Asha) will be launched on 14 July from Tanegashima, Japan. The Japanese rocket will carry it, and it has three types of sensors to assess the atmosphere of Mars, which has a high-resolution multiband camera to measure the dust and ozone of the planet.

Second, it has an infrared spectrometer designed by Arizona State University. It will measure both the upper and lower atmosphere. The third sensor in this is an ultraviolet spectrometer that will measure oxygen and hydrogen levels.

Ali-Amiri said that research on these two elements necessary for water would remain focused. Sir Ian Blatchford, director of Britain’s Science Museum Group, says that a lot of space missions have been focused on geology, but it will provide a comprehensive and complete picture of Mars’ climate.’

Who was the first astronaut of the Arab World?

The UAE is going to Mars
The UAE is going to Mars

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a track record in space missions. He has sent a rocket into Earth’s orbit, and one of its astronauts has gone to the International Space Station.

The first Arab space guard to go into space was Prince Sultan bin Salman al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, who was in a US spacecraft in 1985. But this time, it is entirely different.

The spacecraft going to Mars is built in the UAE and sent to Japan. All the engineers had to go to Quarantine due to the Coronavirus epidemic, due to which the operation was delayed.

Why this mission is different

The UAE is going to Mars
The UAE is going to Mars

Monica Grady, Professor of Planetary and Space Sciences at Britain’s Open University, is confident that the Mars mission will bring a significant change in the industry. It had previously interfered with the World’s big powers.

She says, “This is a real step to explore Mars because it shows that other countries can go there except the European Space Agency and NASA. 

Now we can only hope that it will go there. Expeditions on Mars Have a long history of failing. “

People working on this expedition in the UAE have reminded the World that eight centuries ago, Arab inventors and intellectuals were right in scientific discovery.

The ruler of Dubai, one of the UAE’s seven emirates, said on Tuesday that he was optimistic about this ambitious project that would rekindle the spirit of cultural pride and diversify the region and remove its dependence on oil.

It is expected that the UAE spacecraft will arrive on the red planet when it celebrates 50 years of its formation. It was formed in 1971, and it may reach Mars next year.

Any country is blaming this lack of ambition because the UAE believes that it will establish a human settlement on Mars by 2117.

About the author

Praneet Thakur

Praneet Thakur is a dynamic entrepreneur and SEO expert from Mumbai, known for founding startups like ShoutRank and World Wire. His expertise in digital marketing and passion for blogging have helped clients achieve top rankings in competitive markets. As an editor for World-Wire, Praneet has made significant contributions to the internet news and marketing industry.

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