
‘This is genius’: Trump enters the Biden- Putin cold war

Trump Biden Putin This is genius

Overview: This article explores the entry of Trump into the Biden- Putin cold war with his ‘This is genius’ comment and what it might implicate when the situation is already on the verge of a Russian invasion.

Putin declared two pro-Russian breakaway nations in eastern Ukraine to be independent countries on Monday and dispatched soldiers to the region. Western officials reacted angrily to Russia’s move, with Biden issuing an executive order on Monday prohibiting new American investment in the two self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. The European Union and the United Kingdom imposed further sanctions on Russian financial services on Tuesday. Chances of an invasion also loom on the horizon, according to Biden’s recent comment.

‘This is genius,’ quips Trump in favor of Putin- also bashes Biden administration

Former President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin made a “genius” decision in recognising two pro-Kremlin breakaway states in eastern Ukraine and sending Russian troops across the border on a so-called “peacekeeping” mission, while criticising President Joe Biden’s handling of the crisis.

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Donald Trump has never been shy about his admiration for Vladimir Putin. And that was on full display in a radio interview where Trump lavished praise on Putin for his strategy in Ukraine.

In an interview with the conservative radio show The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show, Trump praised Putin’s move, calling him “a guy who’s very savvy.”

Trump chides Biden on his “no response

Trump Biden Putin This is genius

Trump stated that if he had been president, Putin would never have considered invading, and he chastised Biden for “no response” penalties, but he did not specify what sanctions he thinks Russia should face.

The remarks marked the second time on Tuesday that Trump chastised Biden while mostly defending Putin, signalling a significant departure from the ex-nearly president’s month-long silence on the mounting conflict in Ukraine.

Trump claims Putin led Russia “became tremendously wealthy during the Biden Administration”

In a statement released Tuesday morning, Trump claimed that Russia “became tremendously wealthy during the Biden Administration” as a result of higher oil prices, seemingly blaming the administration despite widespread global supply and demand difficulties.

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The GOP is split for support of Ukraine vs. Russia, with many prominent conservative figures including Donald Trump appearing to side with Vladimir Putin. Joy Reid and her panel discuss.

Trump had not made a public statement about Ukraine since January 24, when he tweeted a two-sentence telegram that said: “Under the Trump administration, what is occurring in Russia and Ukraine would never have happened. There isn’t a chance!”

Even members of Trump’s own party chastised him during his administration for appearing to have a friendly relationship with Putin and other totalitarian leaders.

“That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen,” Trump said. “There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all right. Whether Trump was reinforcing popular beliefs regarding the possible invasion, is anyone’s guess.

Putin’s actions are the “start of an invasion,”- U.S. officials

U.S. officials believe Putin’s actions are the “start of an invasion,” according to White House deputy national security advisor Jon Finer. A total of 190,000 Russian troops are thought to be stationed along Ukraine’s borders.

Also read:

The Russia-Ukraine crisis intensifies: What this means for America

About the author

William Smith

William Smith is a dynamic editor at World-Wire, covering a wide range of topics including health, technology, travel, and events. Known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, he engages readers with his insightful FAQs and articles. His diverse expertise has earned him accolades, including the "Excellence in Diverse Journalism" award in 2022.

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