
‘Too dangerous’: Mike Lindell Cancels Supreme Court Voting Machine Stunt

'Too dangerous' Mike Lindell Cancels Supreme Court Voting Machine Stunt

In response to Kari Lake’s attempt to challenge the use of electronic tabulation devices, Mike Lindell said he would present the Supreme Court with shocking new evidence.

On Mar 7, Mike Lindell posted on his Twitter account that Lindell would be taking the case to the Supreme Court Case on March 15 and presenting the evidence itself.

However, on Tuesday, Mar 13, Mike Lindell stated that he would not make the anticipated trip to the US Supreme Court to present evidence regarding voting machines.

Regarding his claimed proof, Lindell stated, “The Supreme Court case, the lawyers will be turning it in later on Thursday,”

He added, “We were going to do it right on-site at the Supreme Court, but they said, no, Mike, it’s too risky.”

He further added, “It’s going to be too dangerous,”

“The evidence we’re going to put in this case has never been seen before. And the only reason we’re able to do it is because they kicked this case out on standing. Had they not done that, we wouldn’t be able to add this new evidence.”

He concluded by saying, “And it is so explosive.”

Mike Lindell Cancels Supreme Court Voting Machine Stunt
‘Too dangerous’: Mike Lindell Cancels Supreme Court Voting Machine Stunt

A lawsuit was brought in April 2022 by Donald Trump ally Kari Lake and unsuccessful candidate for Arizona Secretary of State Mark Finchem.

The lawsuit claimed that the voting systems were unreliable.

Following that, on December 9, Lake filed a second complaint, requesting that a court nullify the Arizona election results that had been certified and declare her the victor of the November 2022 midterm elections over Katie Hobbs, who had won the governorship by a margin of over 17,000 votes.

When he spoke with Steve Bannon on the podcast War Room, the CEO of MyPillow said he had solid data to support his claim that he could save this nation. On Saturday, Lindell told Steve Bannon, “This is big, everybody.”

Lindell added, “This is what we’ve been waiting for.”

Lindell claimed, “This new evidence is the most explosive evidence ever. Just in the last two months, we got this, everybody. The lawyers are excited; the whole world is gonna watch us. This coming Friday ( March 15 ) on the steps of the Supreme Court, 3 p.m. We’re gonna hand-deliver this to the world, Steve; it’s going to be the biggest thing ever, and we are going to save this country.”

Mike Lindell asserted to have “explosive” new proof that would demonstrate voting machines were being used to rig elections in the election case of Republican Kari Lake.

With this new information, Lindell seemed to have bluffed in the past several days, saying he would personally visit the high court to submit his collected evidence.

Lindell has publicly criticized electronic voting machines and is in favor of paper ballots in US elections.

Additionally, Lindell spent his money on $500 wireless monitoring equipment, which he claims can identify whether voting machines are connected to the Internet. However, its credibility is under question.

About the author

Nancy Beverly

Nancy Beverly is a prominent political journalist and editor at World-Wire, known for her sharp analysis and deep understanding of global politics. With a Master's degree in Political Science, she excels in breaking down complex political issues, making them relatable to the public. At World-Wire, Nancy crafts compelling political narratives covering everything from local governance to international relations. Recognized for her expertise, she received the 'Excellence in Political Journalism' award in 2021. Nancy's work not only informs but also enriches her readers' understanding of political dynamics.

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