
Trump and RNC Collaborate on Fundraiser for Legal Fee Support Group

Trump and RNC Collaborate on Fundraiser for Legal Fee Support Group

According to media reports on Thursday, a fundraising organization that has paid tens of millions of dollars for Donald Trump’s legal fees stands to gain from a new fundraising partnership with the Republican National Committee.

After securing the Republican nomination for president earlier this month, Trump can now solicit funds through the RNC in advance of his rematch with Democrat Joe Biden on November 5.

Despite his easy win for the Republican nomination, Trump is now experiencing mounting financial difficulties due to piled-up court rulings and the reluctance of many significant donors to give money, often out of worry that it will be used for legal bills.

According to media sources, an invitation to an April 6 fundraiser in Palm Beach, Florida, revealed that the Trump 47 Committee prioritizes funding for the Save America leadership group over any money going to the RNC, emphasizing the urgency of his legal bills.

That might contribute to replenishing a fund that, since the beginning of 2023, has been used to pay more than $55 million in legal bills.

However, the fund risks running out as a lifeline from another fundraising group ends.

To be clear, though, Save America’s ability to collect individual contributions is legally limited to $5,000, which limits the boost of the RNC fundraising partnership.

Trump & RNC Collaborate on Fundraiser for Legal Fee Support Group
Trump & RNC Collaborate on Fundraiser for Legal Fee Support Group

Steven Cheung, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, downplayed the amount given to Save America.

Cheung stated, “The Trump campaign, the RNC, and state GOP parties ultimately receive the overwhelming majority of funds raised through the Trump 47 Committee.”

Financial disclosures on Wednesday revealed that Save America increased its expenditure on legal fees last month.

The organization’s primary source of income for the month was a $5 million refund, mostly obtained from small donors, which it transferred in 2022 to MAGA Inc., the primary super PAC supporting Trump.

The majority of the $60 million that Save America gave to the super PAC—a type of political action committee (PAC) that allows wealthy donors to donate indefinitely—has now been returned, indicating that Save America may face difficulties in soliciting money in the future.

In addition, Trump faces the possibility of the state seizing some of the Trump Organization’s assets since he could not obtain a bond to pay a $454 million judgment in New York.

About the author

Nancy Beverly

Nancy Beverly is a prominent political journalist and editor at World-Wire, known for her sharp analysis and deep understanding of global politics. With a Master's degree in Political Science, she excels in breaking down complex political issues, making them relatable to the public. At World-Wire, Nancy crafts compelling political narratives covering everything from local governance to international relations. Recognized for her expertise, she received the 'Excellence in Political Journalism' award in 2021. Nancy's work not only informs but also enriches her readers' understanding of political dynamics.

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