
Trump: ‘Even The Woke, Radical Left Realizes That Joe Biden’s Administration Is An Embarrassment!

Trump Biden

The former US President Donald Trump released a statement on Joe Biden’s speech. He spoke about Stacey Abrams’ absence from Biden’s Atlanta speech.

In the statement, Donald Trump wrote, “Stacey Abrams helped Biden steal the 2020 Election in Georgia, but now she won’t even share a stage with Joe.”

He also added, “Stacey knows that Biden actually lost BIG in Georgia, and in the 2020 Presidential Election as a whole, and he’s been so terrible she now wants nothing to do with him. He concluded by saying, “Even the woke, radical left realizes that Joe Biden’s Administration is an embarrassment!”

There are many speculations as to why Stacey skipped Biden’s speech. It is claimed that Stacey wants to separate herself from Biden politically. The reason behind this happens to be the low approval rating of Joe Biden in Georgia.

Joe Biden’s take

When asked about the same from Joe Biden, said that he, “spoke with Stacey this morning. We have a great relationship. We got our scheduling mixed up. I talked to her at length this morning. We’re all on the same page, and everything is fine.”

Biden, in his speech, said, “I believe that the threat to our democracy is so grave that we must find a way to pass these voting rights bills, debate them, vote, let the majority prevail,” 

“and if that bare minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the Senate rules including getting rid of the filibuster for this.” 

2020 election results: Trump unable to concede

Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election to Biden but refused to concede. He falsely claimed that there was widespread electoral fraud and attempted to overturn the results, pressuring the government officials and mounting scores of unsuccessful legal challenges. Trump urged his supporters to march to the capitol, which

hundreds then attacked, resulting in multiple deaths and interrupting the electoral vote count. On January 13th, the House of Representatives in peach Trump a second time for incitement of insurrection. This made him the only federal officeholder to be impeached twic in American historye.

Many scholars and historians ranked Trump as one of the worst presidents in history. However, these are all opinions and views of people.

Trump’s political entrance and fundamental ideologies

Trump entered the political race in 2016 as a republican and was elected in an upset victory over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. His election sparked many protests as many people were hurt and offended by his political ideologies. People viewed his character to be racist and misogynistic.

He made several insensitive and racist claims that marginalized the black populations of the US. He also made hurtful and misogynistic claims that objectified women and their appearances. The claims centered on criticizing and marginalizing women of color and women who did not meet his standard in appearance.

Trump also made many false claims in his presidency and campaigns, to the degree that is unprecedented in US history. He also promoted several different conspiracy theories. They led to a lot of misinformation being spread around in his campaign and presidency. Some of his notable actions during his presidency are the following.

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About the author

Sanjay Singh

Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.

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