What is Absolutely 9-0, Where to watch it live?

There are bad people in all walks of life, including the police. — Mike Lindell.  From being a drug addict to being a successful person, Mike Lindell has given his contributions in many areas. Mike is running a great business and also being an inspiration to youth along with helping people never return to the path of addiction.

Also showing his talents in the field of entertainment etc. Mike has now come up with Absolutely 9-0. Let’s know more about What is Absolutely 9-0 and where can you watch it live?

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About Mike Lindell

Mike Lindell also additionally named Michael James Lindell is an American creator, money manager, and business person. Lindell is the organizer and CEO of My Pillow, Inc. Mike is additionally tagged as “the My Pillow Guy”. Mike Lindell is a noticeable ally of, and consultant to, previous U.S. President Donald Trump.

Mike Lindell is tagged a being a hero because made his mind stronger on the quote: “If you’re born poor it’s not your fault but if you die poor it’s surely your fault.” And he was born in poverty, battled addiction, grew up in strength creating a multi-million dollar company that is now one of the most trusted brands in America. Mike’s story is nothing short of remarkable. Mike made himself both mentally and physically strong to overcome his addiction and reach the ladder of success.

What is Absolutely 9-0?

Lindell’s movie Absolutely 9-0 takes its title from a statement he made in an interview with David J. Harris Jr. on May 27, 2021, when he said that the U.S. In an investigation, Lead Stories found that the claim was without merit because a sitting U.S. president is only able to be removed from office by impeachment, death, or a declaration of disability (not by an order from the Supreme Court). Lindell’s FrankSpeech.com website published the new movie on June 3, 2021. Lindell interviews a man whose face is blurred and who he identified only as “one of my cybersecurity experts.

Based on his bio, it may be the same anonymous expert interviewed in “Absolute Interference.” Is the movie “Absolutely 9-0” released by Mike Lindell, a credible source of evidence of a Chinese cyberattack on the U.S. election?

He reuses the same debunked data he presented in his previous movies “Absolute Proof” and “Absolute Interference,” and it is unlikely that he will be able to sway the Supreme Court, even if he somehow gets a hearing. Lindell told Lead Stories that some of the data shown in the video were not the “actual” data since he wanted to keep it secret for “security reasons.”

Mike Lindell Presents: Absolutely 9-0 
A WVW-TV Production
Director and Senior Post Editor- Brannon Howse 
Assistant Post Editor- Logan Howse. 

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Where to watch it live?

You might now have got some idea of what exactly is Absolutely 9-0. Looking forward to watching it live. Need not worry about it, you can now watch Absolutely 9-0 live on Frank – the voice of free speech if not get in touch with the website- Frankspeech


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About the author


Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.

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