
What is UCC? Uniform Civil Code 2020 Check Clamour grows for UCC on Aug 5, 2021

What is UCC?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi took part in the event on 5 August. This will be the second time when Narendra Modi will visit Ramlila. Earlier in 1992, under the leadership of the then BJP President, Dr. Murali Manohar Joshi came to Ayodhya from Kashmir to dismantle Tiranga Yatra to eliminate Article 370. After seeing Ramlal, then Narendra Modi said that now Ram temple will come to Ayodhya. That said by Modi is going to be true. 

Narendra Modi also mentioned UCC; many of you would not know what UCC is. We have created this web page for every reader if you wish to learn more about UCC, take a look at the complete information about UCC below.

What is UCC?

Uniform civil code means uniform law for all citizens of the country. So even if it belongs to some religion or caste. Currently, there are different personal laws for different religions in the country. With the usage of the Uniform Civil Code, a similar law will apply to all religions. That is the custom of cutting off the association by giving Muslims three relationships, and separating from the spouse just multiple times will end.

Not only this, but the same rules will also be applicable in cases like the right of women to their father’s property and adoption. Whenever there has been a debate on the civil code, the opponents have said that it is like applying Hindu law to all religions. Uniform civil code means bringing uniformity in the personal law of every faith. Under this, work will be done to improve the laws of every religion and bring uniformity. The meaning of Union Civil Code is a fair law, which has no relation to any religion.

Why is UCC essential?

Several laws of different religions hinder judiciary. UCC will make it easy to get rid of several problems that the country is facing. There are several cases in India still pending, imposing UCC will make it easy to settle the cases soon. The situation of Muslim women would become better by imposing UCC. Unity will be promoted by uniformity in law for all, and there is no doubt that the country’s development takes place rapidly, where every citizen is equal.

Imposing UCC will snatch religious rights?

It isn’t that with the exhibition of the Uniform Civil Code, individuals will be deprived of their entitlement to follow their strict convictions. Article 44 of the Constitution favors the Uniform Civil Code. However, they are mandate administrators. UCC is relevant in Goa. Then again, Articles 25 and 29 of the Constitution state that any class has total opportunity to follow its strict convictions and customs.

With the Uniform Civil Code’s implementation, individuals of each religion will be brought under the ambit of a similar law, which will cover matters like marriage, separation, property, and selection. This will make individuals more grounded on legitimate grounds.

Role of BJP in UCC?

As we all know, BJP is the ruling party of the country; being a ruling party, the government has several rights. BJP can easily implement UCC as it has won majority seats in India.

UCC & Hindu Personal Law

The Hindu Code Bill was introduced in India for Hindus. After tremendous opposition in the country, this bill was divided into four parts. The then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru put it into Hindu Marriage Act, Hindu Succession Act, Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, and Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act. 

UCC directly empowered women. Under these, women get rights in the ancestral and husband’s property. Apart from this, people of different castes have the right to marry each other, but a person cannot marry another while being married.

UCC & Muslim personal law

Under Muslim personal law, a husband can divorce his wife just three times by saying divorce. If both of them want to get married again, then the woman must first marry another man, have a physical relationship with him and only after getting a divorce from him, she can marry the first husband again. 

In this law, after divorce, women are not given any right to any kind of allowance or property from the husband, but the law of payment. After divorce, a Muslim man can get married immediately, but the woman has to wait four months and ten days.

UCC & Christian’s personal law

Two things are essential in the personal law of Christians. A married couple needs to remain separated for two years for divorce. Apart from this, the girl has no rights over the mother’s property.

There have also been some legal cases in the country that directly relate to the civil code and make it feel necessary:

Role of Shah Bano case

This was a case that brought a lot of clout in the country’s politics. To change the Supreme Court decision in this case, the Rajiv Gandhi government brought the Muslim Women Act, 1986. In 1978, Shah Bano, a 62-year-old Muslim woman from Indore, was divorced by her husband. The elderly mother of 5 children approached the Supreme Court to get alimony and fought a long legal battle. In 1985, the Supreme Court ruled in its favor. 

When the All India Muslim Personal Law Board opposed the decision, the then Congress government came up with a new Act, which despite winning the case, Shah Bano could not get his rights. This case raised questions on the status of Muslim women in the country.

More than 90% of Muslim women protest against triple divorce.

In the recent past, there have been many divorced Muslim women through letters, emails, messages, WhatsApp, and Skype. The status of women in the developing society is still untouched within the house’s threshold. In a survey conducted last year, 92 percent of Muslim women in India supported the abolition of the triple divorce tradition. 

The survey was conducted on behalf of the Indian Muslim Women Movement, an NGO working to improve Muslim personal law on financially weak women, married before the age of 18, and domestic violence victims. The implementation of the Uniform Civil Code will directly or indirectly benefit such women.

Shaira Bano also gets ‘divorce-divorce-divorce’ after Shah Bano.

Shaira Bano, a resident of Uttarakhand, was married in 2002, and in 2015, her husband divorced her. Shaira, like Shah Bano, moved the Supreme Court in the hope of justice and challenged the unilateral divorce in Muslim personal law and the right of men to marry another despite being married. 

She has demanded allowances and custody of children from her husband. However, in this case too, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board has again put a hindrance, and the opposing side has been formed saying that it will not allow any change in this practice.

UCC all over the world

Uniform Civil Code has been implemented in these countries.

Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Turkey, Indonesia, Sudan, and Egypt have implemented it.

About the author

Praneet Thakur

Praneet Thakur is a dynamic entrepreneur and SEO expert from Mumbai, known for founding startups like ShoutRank and World Wire. His expertise in digital marketing and passion for blogging have helped clients achieve top rankings in competitive markets. As an editor for World-Wire, Praneet has made significant contributions to the internet news and marketing industry.

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