Darren Beattie was President Donald Trump’s former speechwriter, who was once fired for attending a meeting of white nationalists. The following day, Trump nominated Darren Beattie to become a board member of the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad.
About Darren Beattie’s Revolver News
Darren Beattie and associates run Revolver News, a news agency based in London. A lot of the news on the website is relevant to those who support Donald Trump and follow conservative news sources. There is an online news service called Revolver News, which is a free service that gathers news stories from the conservative niche from various sources like Twitter and other platforms. As for the team behind Revolver news, we do not know who they are. We also do not know the number of monthly visits and paid subscribers to their websites.
The company that owns Revolver news is not Donald Trump. Revolver News, which has been promoting a variety of theories for months, however, was praised by the president. There is a new company run by Darren Beattie, who was a speechwriter in his administration.
I would like to thank Darren Beattie and Revolver News for exposing the fake news narrative about January 6th. As a result of Darren’s work, and other people’s work, Americans aren’t buying into the Unselect Committee’s efforts to smear 75 million Americans. The newly coined term ‘Fedsurrection’ was even trending on Twitter at the time.
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