
Who will be the new prime minister of Japan after Shinzo Abe? Shinzo Abe resigns because of Illness

Who will be the new prime minister of Japan after Shinzo Abe? Shinzo Abe resign because of Illness

Shinzo Abe has reported that he is resigning because of an intensifying illness. The condition 65-year-old Abe experiences is ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a drawn-out condition that outcomes in irritation and ulcers of the colon and rectum. The essential indications of dynamic illness are stomach torment and loose bowels blended in with blood. Weight misfortune, fever, and sickliness may likewise occur. Often, manifestations please gradually and can run from gentle to severe. Symptoms regularly happen irregularly with times of no side effects between flares. Complications may incorporate megacolon, aggravation of the eye, joints, or liver, and colon cancer.

Individuals with ulcerative colitis are at similar or maybe marginally expanded by and large danger of death contrasted and the general population. However, the conveyance of reasons for death varies from the general population. Specific hazard variables may anticipate more regrettable results and a higher danger of mortality in individuals with ulcerative colitis, including C. difficile infection and cytomegalovirus contamination (because of reactivation).

Who will be the new prime minister of Japan after Shinzo Abe? Shinzo Abe resign because of Illness

Shinzo Abe’s health is a greater concern, he is one of the longest-serving prime ministers of Japan, he has served as the prime minister of Japan for a consecutive tenure of 2799 days, Shinzo Abe said that he is sorry to the people of Japan, his tenure began in 2012.

Who will be the new prime minister of Japan after Shinzo Abe?

Who will be the new prime minister of Japan after Shinzo Abe? Shinzo Abe resign because of Illness

Shinzo Abe and his cabinet would continue to run the government until a new prime minister is elected after that the premier will continue to run the government until the end of Abe’s tenure in 2021. The premier will not be able to adapt to new policies as of now. The new party’s president will definitely be the prime minister since they have the majority in the parliament.

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A few names such as the finance minister Taro Aso, the former defense minister Shigeru Ishiba, current defense minister Taro Kono and other names such as Shinjiro Koizumi, and Seiko Noda are coming up for the prime minister but there is no confirmation as of now.


Shinzo Abe has been one of the finest leaders of Japan, under his leadership the country has progressed pretty well, we wish good health to Mr. Abe, his decision is much accepted since there is nothing more important than one’s health.



About the author

Sanjay Singh

Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.

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