Big brother is a reality competition show where contestants participate in the game, and cameras and microphones monitor their every move. But recently the two contestants from the show Big Brother season 22 Tyler Crispen & Daniele Donato suddenly quit Twitter, and we will look at the reasons today.
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Why did Big Brother 22 Contestants Tyler Crispen & Daniele Donato Quit Twitter?
Social Media has been a center for negative comments and heavy criticism, and this might have been the reason why the two contestants quit Twitter. Many negative comments directed at Big Brother 22: All-Stars contestants Tyler Crispen and Daniele Donato Briones have incited their significant others to withdraw their Twitter accounts. When Daniele competed on BB8 and BB13 social media was still at a very early stage but kind of faced difficulties when her father was a part of the cast during season 8, but things changed when she met her husband in season 13.
However, Tyler joined the Big Brother house quite later after Dani, and this where he met his girlfriend, Angela Rummans, in season 20. Both Tyler and Angela made it very far in the season through their Level Six alliance. But in the end, Tyler lost the grand prize to Kaycee Clark. But still, his fans eventually voted for him to become America’s Favorite Houseguest. And in 2020, both Daniele and Tyler were cast on the show’s second-ever All-Stars season.
Tyler Crispen & Daniele Donato Twitter posts:
While both the players are in the game, meanwhile, in the real world, it is presumed that Tyler’s girlfriend Angela and Daniele’s husband Dominic have been running their individual social media profiles. So on Friday, that is on the 21st of August, Tyler’s social media manager announced on his behalf that his future BB22 messages would be posted directly on Instagram instead of Twitter. And similarly, on the following day, Dani’s social media manager shared a piece of very similar news on Twitter. As of now, both Tyler and Dani have mostly quit Twitter. Below are the posts check them out:
The primary reasons for them taking this step might be because of the game and the negative comments they received. Even though both the contestants have been in the game, many fans question their decisions in the game. All these fans have heavily criticized Dani for aligning herself with new-school players, and even Tyler has received some criticism for targeting Janelle Pierzina and Kaysar Ridha. So this might be a reason for them quitting twitter, and this is all that we have today, for more updates on entertainment, web series, and more stay tuned to world wire.
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