Without a single coronavirus death: The infection of COVID-19 is spreading all over the world, but there is a country where its glimpse is seen limited. This country is Vietnam, which borders China, where the epidemic started. The population of Vietnam is also around 97 million.
But till April 23, only 268 cases of COVID-19 infection have been reported in this country. Not only this, but not a single person has also died in Vietnam from COVID-19.
Initially, against the Coronavirus, Vietnam made its people aware and prepared for war in a way to fight this epidemic. Still, now the restrictions are being removed, and schools are allowed to reopen.
In such a situation, the question is what did Vietnam do that other countries can also adopt as a model.
Without a single coronavirus death: Vietnam has reported no COVID-19 deaths – how?

The decision to close borders.
The first case of corona infection was reported in Vietnam in late January. After this, exercising a quick decision, Vietnam completely closed its border with China.
In addition, at all major airports, a thermal screening of every citizen from other countries was arranged.
The government realizes that the corona infection is visible in those who are coming from abroad. In such a situation, the government ordered to keep every person coming from elsewhere in Quarantine for 14 days.
The government booked the hotels by paying to keep people in Quarantine. In the last week of March, Vietnam banned the entry of all foreigners. The entry of family members of foreign and Vietnamese citizens of Vietnamese origin was also forbidden.
Emphasis on ‘contact tracing.’

After keeping the corona virus-infected people in isolation, the people who came in contact with them were detected, and all those people were corona tested.
Not only this, but Vietnam also managed to develop low-cost testing kits in its own country. Vietnam does not have the resources as much as South Korea and Germany for large-scale people testing.
Due to a lack of resources, the government of Vietnam adopted a low-cost approach, and the case of infection was aggressively tracked, and arrangements were made to keep the infected people in isolation.
Make society aware

The government of Vietnam launched a nationwide campaign to make people aware of the coronavirus.
In this campaign, people were made aware of the ways to prevent coronavirus through small videos and posters.
Reminding him of the Vietnamese strategy in the historic Vietnam-American war, Prime Minister Guen Xuan Phuc appealed to the people to be prepared to fight a prolonged pandemic.
According to Carl Thayer, Emirates Professor at New South Wales University, Kenbury, “Vietnam’s society is aware. There is a social system. The police operation, the army, and the company execute the decision that is taken at the top level. The government The high level also makes the right decisions during such challenges. “
But can other countries adopt these methods as models?

According to the editor of BBC Vietnamese Service Giang Guen, this strategy has its flaws even after being successful.
Under this, people have been encouraged to keep an eye on neighbors. Apart from this, it is also feared that many infected people have not yet been exposed for fear of being sent to Quarantine.
Vietnam’s economy has also been affected by the methods adopted Vietnam. Many businesses have closed down. State-owned Vietnam Airlines has lost crores of dollars due to the cancellation of flights on the premium routes of the USA, EU, and East Asia.
How different from lockdown

Vietnam has managed to keep corona-infected patients in Quarantine. However, in many places, the freedom of citizens has to be stopped for this.
Due to effective local administration and a reliable security system, Vietnam has been able to quarantine the entire district in some cases.
But like European countries, Vietnam has not implemented a lockdown.
The provisions of lockdown in Vietnam’s capital Hanoi and a dozen significant cities were implemented earlier.
But three districts or cities are in complete lockdown, about four and a half lakh people are living in these three places.
The local army is protecting this area, and no one can leave from here.
“To protect the country from the ill effects of the coronavirus, apart from political will, organized governance and obedient people is sufficient.”
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