5 Tips on How to Get Better Sleep While Working at Home

How to Get Better Sleep While Working at Home

The COVID-19 pandemic has made working from home a norm for many people. Which is a good thing since it comes with many perks like no commute time, fewer meetings, and less destruction.

However, it’s not all sunshine and sleep-ins. Working from home for prolonged hours can negatively impact your sleeping, your routine, mental health, and physical health.

When you work where you sleep, it becomes harder to switch off because as soon as you’re tired a little, your quality twin mattress will start looking so attractive.  And if you have no restriction, you’ll find yourself in the bed sleeping.

This impromptu sleeping schedule affects your sleeping cycle and productivity. What’s even worse you might find yourself facing sleepless nights and even anxiety.  

To help you get better sleep while working at home, we’ve shared with you our 5 sleeping tips. Let’s dive in…

5 tips on how to get better sleep while at works


Have a routine

Wake up, grab a cab to work, go back home, workout, watch a movie, read, head to bed. If you are working from an office every day, this is probably how your routine works.  However, working from home tosses your whole routine off-balance, leaving you questioning how you can get your sleeping routine back to normal.  

You can’t just wake up, eat breakfast, and work all day, you need to create a new routine. Stop working at a specific time of day, meditate, take a walk, and try to sleep and wake up at the same time each day.

Create a dedicate workspace

Unlike working at an office from 9 to 5, working at home means there’s a high possibility you’ll work where you sleep. If that’s the case, consider creating a zone dedicated to working far from your bedroom.

The bedroom should be for coitus and sleep, not working.  If you have to use your room, then use a desk, don’t work on your bed.  This helps your brain to associate the bedroom with sleep, not work.

Be physically and mentally Active

The fact is these are hard times for everyone. This explains why there are so many cases of stress, anxiety, and depression. These conditions usually lead to restlessness and insomnia.

If you’re stressed, try meditating to relax. Also, take 15 minutes breaks or try to do some yoga during the day. Take part in other activities you enjoy, including reading, writing, cooking, and playing with your family.  

Avoid lengthy sleep-ins

Don’t get tempted to hit the snooze button when the alarm starts ringing. Regardless of how beautiful your sleep is, don’t give in. You need to stick to your usual routine so you can feel refreshed and productive throughout the day.

Take a quick nap if the need arises

A 20 to 30 minutes’ nap during the day can increase your focus, creativity, alertness. Don’t exceed 30 minutes because you might wake up feeling sluggish and groggy, also you might negatively affect your sleep cycle.

Final Thoughts

Sleep is crucial for anyone who’s working from home. It not only boosts their productivity but also mental health.  

Try to avoid unhealthy sleep habits like drinking caffeine before bedtime. Individuals who work from home often fall into the trap of consuming junk foods at their desks, which negatively affects sleep quality.

It’s wise to stick to healthy habits like exercising and drinking herbal tea, to improve your sleep quality.  When you’ve received a quality night’s sleep, you’ll wake up feeling more focused and creative. 

Thank you for your time.

About the author


Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.

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