
Biden 2024 Campaign Announcement is Probably Coming Next Week

Biden 2024 Campaign Announcement is Probably Coming Next Week

President Joe Biden will officially announce his 2024 re-election campaign Probably next week. It is rumored that a campaign video is in creation and donors are being contacted.

According to four people with knowledge of the planning, President Biden is close to publicly deciding to enter the 2024 presidential election as early as Tuesday. A video is being developed to announce his bid for his supporters.

Mr. Biden announced last week while visiting Ireland that he would enter the race “relatively soon” and will spend the weekend at Camp David. He is anticipated to be joined by family members and some advisers. One person who knows the conversations claims he still needs to approve the announcement plan.

Biden's 2024 Campaign Announcement is Probably Coming Next Week

The Biden campaign is reportedly considering a low-key video announcement for Tuesday, April 25, marking the fourth anniversary of Biden’s entry into the 2020 race.

Biden has been hinting at his intention to seek re-election for some time but has not made an official declaration. Top advisers to Biden have been discreetly making considerable preparations for a run, regularly meeting with the president and first lady in the White House residence since last year.

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Two of Biden’s closest advisors, Anita Dunn and Jen O’Malley Dillon, have been managing the re-election campaign, including hiring top staff and funding research initiatives to examine the electoral picture.

Mr. Biden, currently 80, would be 86 at the end of a probable second term, making him the oldest president in American history. In the meantime, Donald Trump, 76, who Biden beat in 2020, has declared his campaign to retake the White House.

In recent months, Biden has concentrated on putting into effect the significant infrastructure, technology, and climate policies passed during his first two years in office, striking a stark contrast with Republicans as Washington prepares to fight over raising the nation’s borrowing limit. His advisors think these measures will improve his reputation before his re-election campaign.

Mr. Biden has invited contributors to a two-day event starting on Friday in Washington. The gathering, not a fundraiser, is intended to rally his army of bundlers and donors ahead of a 2024 campaign that is anticipated to cost over $1 billion, including super PAC spending.

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Despite worries from some inside the party about his age and discontent among some liberals who claim he has not pushed their causes hard enough, Biden is not anticipated to encounter any significant opposition from elected Democrats for the candidature.

However, Marianne Williamson, a political activist who campaigned against Biden in 2020, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the son of former senator Robert F. Kennedy (D-N.Y.), have declared they will oppose Biden for the Democratic candidature.

About the author

Roshan Ray

Roshan Ray is a versatile contributor at World-Wire, specializing in finance, celebrities, politics, and general news. He combines a deep understanding of finance with sharp political insights. Roshan also plays a key role in editorial leadership.

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