
Biden Launches New Executive Order [explained]

Biden Launched New Executive Order – In this article, we have thoroughly explained this New Executive Order launched by President Joe Biden. Along with that, we have also covered what other people in the Biotech industry have to say about it.

So without any further ado, let’s get started –

Biden Launches New Executive Order [Explained]

Biden Launches New Executive Order
Biden Launches New Executive Order

President Joe Biden signed an executive order titled “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovations” for a sustainable, safe, and secure American Bioeconomy on 12th September 2022. He signed the new order to promote a National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative. Biden’s action is being praised by those who belong to the agriculture field.

Joe Biden announced the New Executive order at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston, saying, “Today’s action is going to ensure that America leads the world in biotechnology and biomanufacturing, creating jobs, reducing prices, strengthening supply chains, so we don’t have to rely on anywhere else in the world,”

circular bioeconomy

Biden’s New Executive order will send more U.S. tax dollars to biotechnology firms with the motive of reducing reliance on China for materials or help.

According to the New York Post, the administration officials said that it allowed the federal government to direct the allocation of money for the use of microbes and other biologically derived resources to make new foods, fertilizers, and seeds. Along with this, it also focused on making mining processes more efficient.

But a comment by an anonymous person at Freedom First Person indicated that the order was more than explained. It was something that would give people “chills.” He said, “For years now, many of us have been warning that the COVID jabs are a transhumanist nightmare. With discussions about 5G, graphene (which is a part of the foundation of quantum computing), and artificial intelligence all in relation to the jab, we’ve all been labeled wild tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists. It’s just a vaccine, right? Wrong,” and warned that there was a section that needed to pay attention to instantly.

The editorial said that when he read that, he got chills, further adding that Biden could develop genetic engineering technologies so they could write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way software and programs are written in computers.


According to the White House Fact Sheet, section one of the executive orders will focus on biotechnology in areas that enclose health, climate change, energy, food shield, agriculture, supply chain stability, and national and economic safety. Along with these areas, it will also provide access to the principled approach to developing technologies, products, and processes that would benefit all Americans and the global community and maintain the United States’ technological leadership and economic competitiveness.

Following the announcement, the White House hosted a summit on 14th September 2022 on Bioeconomy and Biomanufacturing. Biden’s administration also assured that it would announce new acquisitions and resources across a wide range of agencies in no time, allowing the United States to “harness the full potential of biotechnology and biomanufacturing.”

A background call with senior White House bureaucrats explained that the Biden New Executive Order would focus on improving food security and operating agricultural innovation. It will be implemented through new and modern technologies that protect crops from disease and enrich seeds, fertilizers, and foods made with cultured animal cells.

Biden's executive orders

Furthermore, the officials added that this new action would help bring bioproducts to market that would support American farmers and reduce the risk of crop failure via biosecurity innovation. Besides, it would enrich workforce training and education programs for the next generation of biotechnologists. Biden New Executive Order centers on creating a sustainable, secure, and secure American Bioeconomy.

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Praise for Biotechnology focus

Biden’s new Executive order is receiving support and praise from his officials, farmers, and many other prominent observers. Dr. Michelle McMurry Heath, the president & CEO of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, warmly welcomed the orders to heighten the domestic biotechnology and biomanufacturing enterprise. 

Michel McMurry Heath The on Biden New Executive order
Michel McMurry Heath The on Biden New Executive order

Dr. Michelle McMurry Heath said that they applauded the administration for launching that initiative, particularly the actions to facilitate regulatory rules for biotechnology products, expanded market opportunities for biobased products, worked for international alignment of regulatory standards, and invested in training and education pathways to ensure an adequate, diverse biotech workforce.

Josh Tetrick
Josh Tetrick

Josh Tetrick, co-founder and CEO of Eat Just, said that America had a prospect to lead the world in building a new, healthier, and more endurable approach to making meat. It was critical for their food security, manufacturing, technology base, and moral leadership. He applauded that week’s bold move by the White House.

Brad Doyle
Brad Doyle

President of ASA, Brad Doyle, a soybean grower from Arkansas, said that the Biden New Executive Order put in place steps that would help the soy industry continue to use soybeans to develop innovative, sustainable products that could help lower greenhouse gas emissions and create more jobs for not only agriculture but all Americans.

The Ag Bioeconomy alliance on Biden New Executive order
The Ag Bioeconomy alliance on Biden New Executive order

The Ag Bioeconomy alliance, which includes the American Farm Bureau Federation, American Soybean Association, Corn Refiners Association, Growth Energy, and more, also appreciated Biden New Executive order toward the development of biotechnology and expressed gratitude for the focus on developing the U.S. biomanufacturing sector.

The coalition said in a joint statement that “The Ag Bioeconomy was a vibrant generator of invention, high-quality jobs in rural wards, and domestic supply chain solutions. It included those who grew agricultural feedstocks, businesses that manufactured biobased inputs and products, and the consumers who purchased them. By investing in the U.S. bioeconomy, they could tap the talent and resources of American agriculture and position their country’s farmers and ranchers to lead the shift to a circular economy.”


About the author

William Smith

William Smith is a dynamic editor at World-Wire, covering a wide range of topics including health, technology, travel, and events. Known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, he engages readers with his insightful FAQs and articles. His diverse expertise has earned him accolades, including the "Excellence in Diverse Journalism" award in 2022.

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