Constantino Vs Detroit Court Case

Constantino Vs Detroit Court Case

Ever since the result of the 2020 presidential campaign started becoming clear, The Campaign for Donald Trump went on a spree of filing lawsuits against various states and officials. It is reported that they have filed at least 86 lawsuits challenging various election processes and vote counting and stating that there was systemic fraud involved in the election result. Trump, his lawyers, and his followers went on to file a slew of cases against states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada.

The Lawsuit

The Republican Poll Challengers in the Wayne County circuit court on the 9th of November 2020. They alleged that there were fraudulent actions and misconduct during the vote-counting process at the TCF center. The Trump campaign asked for the stoppage of the certification of Wayne County results. As a last resort, they even requested a motion of injunction. The lawsuit was similar to the one filed against The Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

Constantino Vs Detroit Court Case

The Verdict

Like most of the other cases filed by Trump and his followers, this petition too was denied by the presiding chief judge Timothy M Kenny. He remarked that the plaintiff’s demands were incoherent and that their case had no credible evidence to back it up. He further noted that the plaintiffs did not quite understand the process involved because they failed to attend the orientation of the “TCF absent ballot tabulation process” which was held on October 29. They denied the motion for injunction and gave a dispositive ruling and denied any preemptive relief.  

The case was then referred to the state’s Court of appeals which declined to hear the case. The case was then taken to the Supreme court on the 23rd of November who denied a hearing as well.

Important Terms 

The motion of injunction is a step taken by one side of the lawsuit to stop their opponents from doing certain things or to act in a certain manner which is mandated by law. It is a step taken when there is no other option left and actions on the opponent’s side could cause irreparable damage. A dispositive motion means that all of or part of the claims of the moving party can be disposed without the need of any further trial in the court. It means to decide the claim in favor of one or the other party. 

Must read article – Donald Trump for President versus Benson Court case


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About the author

Sanjay Singh

Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.

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