
Disney Heir Comes Out as Transgender, Family Slams Florida Law

Disney Heir Comes Out as Transgender, Family Slams Florida Law

Roy P. Disney, the grandnephew of Walt Disney, disclosed that his child is a transgender. He revealed this in a fundraising email for the Human Rights Campaign.

Charlee Disney described a little about their excursion, as they condemned states that have been passing bills that attempt to restrain the rights of the LGBTQ community.

“My wife, Sheri, and I have been members of HRC for over 20 years,” he reportedly wrote. “Equality matters deeply to us, especially because our child, Charlee, is transgender and a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community.”

roy-disney-& wife

“We were heartbroken when Ron DeSantis signed the ‘Don’t Say Gay or Trans’ law in Florida,” Disney continued in the email. “The fight isn’t over, and we are determined to do everything we can to stop this from happening in other places.”

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Charlee Disney is 30-year-old high school biology and environmental science teacher.  During a gala for the Human Rights Campaign last month he came publicly for the first time. where they declared openly a $250,000 matching donation to the advocacy group. They told The Los Angeles Times last week that they first personally came out as transgender four years ago.

“I felt like I could be doing more (for the LGBTQ community)”

It was one of the most prominent acts of Disney as heir to support the LGBTQ community. Charlee Disney told The Los Angeles Times, “I feel like I don’t do very much to help.”

“I don’t call senators or take action,” they said. “I felt like I could be doing more.”

Also read|Disney ‘Crossed a Line’ With ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Repeal Claim, DeSantis Says.

Along with their donation to HRC, Disney’s parents, Roy P. Disney the grandson of the company’s co-founder, Walt Disney’s great-nephew and his wife Sheri, declared openly that they are going to double the responsibility to the group for the Charlee.

Roy Disney wrote in an email to Washington Times that equality matters deeply to them awfully because their child Charlee is a transgender and a proud member of the LGBTQ+ organization.

Charlee Disney

In the email of Roy Disney, he also said that he, his wife and their two kids were “heartbroken” when the governor of Florida  Ron DeSantis signed into the law what’s known by analysts as the “Don’t Say Gay” law. The legislation officially called the “Parental Rights in Education” bill, bans discussion in classrooms or instructions on sexual exposure and the individuality in kindergarten from grade 3rd along with the higher grades when it is done in “a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate”.

Also read|In its battle with Florida, what is Disney’s endgame?

The statements of the family came after The Walt Disney Company faced substantial backlash about the law of Florida. When the company was originally silent over the law, its CEO, Bob Chapek, sent an email to staffers that he had met with members of LGBTQ of the company, but that corporate statements “do very little to change outcomes or minds.”


According to The Los Angeles Times. Chapel wrote that “Simply put, they can be counterproductive and undermine more effective ways to achieve change,”

The Walt Disney Company issued a message, saying the law should not have been signed into law ever.

“The fight isn’t over”

For Charlee Disney, the new law of Florida is just another obstacle that the LGBTQ community would face particularly those who are transgender would have to jump over it. They told the Los Angeles Times that their journey had been difficult.

“I had very few openly gay role models,” they said and further said that he necessarily didn’t have any trans or nonbinary role models. He didn’t see himself reflected in anyone, and that made him feel like there was something improper with him.

Charles Disney said in the newspaper that LGBTQ youth undertake high rates of darkness, distress, bullying and suicide. According to a 2021 national survey by advocacy group The Trevor Project, 42% of LGBTQ youth seriously deemed to attempt suicide in the past year, and that includes more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth. More than half of transgender and nonbinary youth in middle or high school were persecuted.


Charles Disney said, “Then to put something like this law on top of that? They can’t learn about their community and their history at school, or play sports or use the bathroom they want to use?”.

They said that such laws proposed in Florida only make the situation worse.

According to The Trevor Project’s 2021 survey found that when LGBTQ youth are in gender- and sexual orientation-affirming spaces, the rates of suicide attempts were less. They also found that LGBTQ youth who learned about LGBTQ issues or people in school had a 23% lower chance of noting a suicide attempt.

“The fight isn’t over,” Roy Disney told The Washington Times. He said further that they were determined to do everything they could do to stop this from occurring in other territories.



About the author

William Smith

William Smith is a dynamic editor at World-Wire, covering a wide range of topics including health, technology, travel, and events. Known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, he engages readers with his insightful FAQs and articles. His diverse expertise has earned him accolades, including the "Excellence in Diverse Journalism" award in 2022.

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