
Georgia Moves to Protect Conservatives and Others From Big Tech Censorship

Georgia Moves to Protect Conservatives and Others From Big Tech Censorship

States are beginning to take matters into their own hands despite Big Tech’s enormous censorship.

The Georgia Senate passed SB 393 bill last Tuesday, a bill that would prohibit social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter from deleting posts and banning users who live or work in Georgia based exclusively on their notions.

If social media users feel that they’ve been unfairly redacted or differentiated based on their views, then Georgia’s proposed Common Carrier Non-Discrimination Act would allow users to take legal action against those platforms.

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To make it clear that Georgia’s legislation is not simply a paper field, these Big Tech companies would require to report every six months on a variety of metrics. For instance, it would be mandatory for companies to report how often potentially illegal content got cropped up on their sites and how many times users and content have been suspended or removed.

Supporters of the bill have argued that the Big Tech companies have gone far away from implementing bans on illegal content such as child pornography. They have become an authority on the truth, and they brand content and topics that they do not like as misinformation.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution quoted state Sen. Greg Dolezal, a Republican who sponsored the bill, as saying: “What we are stating here is that you cannot be discriminated against for your viewpoint, for your gender, for your age … in this 21st-century public square.” 

The Bill finds many powerful supporters

In a tweet posted earlier this month, Senate Majority Leader Mike Dugan, a Republican, said: “Georgia is about to be the first state in the nation to empower users of social media platforms. By passing SB 393, we are ensuring Georgians are not unfairly targeted for their ideologies.” 

Georgia will be the best test case in the fight against the suppression of information by Big Tech. The “laboratories of democracy” theory of federal and state power applies strongly here.

Mike Dugan

Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter will continue to try to silence conservative voices. But Georgia’s bill and others like it will give consumers and users the tools to fight against it.

The Senate voted 33-21 to authorize the measure, Senate Bill 393, which has progressed to the state House.

The reason because of which the bill came into being

Conservatives’ views were restricted from Social Media by deleting that companies supposed false or misleading, especially on the topics of election fraud and Covid- 19 as a result of this, the bill came into existence.

Greg Dolezal

The bill’s sponsor, state Sen. Greg Dolezal, told that social media should be dealt with like cable and phone companies should be open to the general public without making subjective judgments about content.

Some measures have been passed by Republican-led legislators in Florida and Texas but that has been put on hold by the court. An opponent of the bill, state Sen. Jen Jordan, said that social media companies are “out of control,” a federal law passed in 1996, the Communications Decency Act, protects websites from most claims.

Jen Jordan

Jordan, a Democrat from Atlantica said that they had seen its effect on the election. They had seen Russian propaganda used against them to try to pitch each of them against each other. And further said that he shared the concern, told to believe him and said, that was not the way to do that.

The bill would cover social media companies with over 20 million users in the United States, declaring that the messages can’t be blocked based on viewpoints, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability. Bill depicts that social media companies will still be able to expurgate harassment, provocation of violence and vulgarity.

Senate Majority Leader Mike Dugan said that there should not be limitations for Americans to express their views

Dugan, a Republican from Carrollton said that Georgia would be the first state in the nation to empower users of social media platforms. By passing SB 393, they are ensuring that Georgians maybe not be unfairly targeted for their ideologies.

Users can sue Facebook or Twitter if posts are deleted

A Georgia Senate panel Tuesday passed a bill that would allow people to sue social media companies if their posts are removed or modified because of the views they express.

What exactly does the SB 393 bill say?

SB 393 depicted that it would designate social media companies with almost 20 million active U.S. users as formal carriers with the limited ability to discriminate against the views of their customers.

Senator John Albers, R-Roswell, that the lives of the customers are controlled by social media companies that exert enormous strength. He shared his own experience that how he lost his job after an interest group falsely claimed on Twitter that he supported certain election legislation.


About the author

William Smith

William Smith is a dynamic editor at World-Wire, covering a wide range of topics including health, technology, travel, and events. Known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, he engages readers with his insightful FAQs and articles. His diverse expertise has earned him accolades, including the "Excellence in Diverse Journalism" award in 2022.

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