
How Trump Defeated Nikki Haley in Her Home State SC

How Trump Defeated Nikki Haley in Her Home State SC

On Saturday, Trump defeated Haley in her home state by 20 percentage points.

Let’s learn How Trump Did that.

How Trump Defeated Nikki Haley in Her Home State SC

South Carolina is an important early Republican primary state that frequently determines the party’s nominee, and Trump needed to win it even though he had previously won several other primaries.

Unlike 2016, Trump faced Nikki Haley this year, who was still well-liked in the community and had served two terms as the state’s governor.

According to the individuals close to both camps, Donald Trump‘s victory over Nikki Haley on Saturday in her home state of South Carolina was the outcome of a deliberate and brutal attempt to destroy her as a threat.

An insider with knowledge of the Trump campaign strategy revealed that the goal was to publicly show Haley that she had no route to the presidency through South Carolina and to politically isolate her by securing the support of many state leaders as soon as possible.

Also, read “What Trump and Haley Risk in South Carolina’s Primary.”

On condition of anonymity, a senior Trump campaign advisor told Reuters, “We were facing a two-term governor. That necessitated a show of force. We needed endorsements to stop donors and voters taking a look at Nikki,”

According to Chris LaCivita, a co-manager of Trump’s campaign, the series of well-known endorsements played an essential role in stifling the competition in the state and gathering information on the thousands of people who attended the former president’s rallies was another essential component of Trump’s victory.

Trump’s campaign employees have been laboring for months to regularly use voter data to engage with potential voters. Trump won in Iowa and New Hampshire by employing a similar strategy.

Four days before the New Hampshire primary, on January 19, Scott endorsed Trump at a rally. This was a major setback for Haley and her chances of winning in South Carolina.

Still, Haley remained unfazed and driven by contributions from supporters. She continued her rebellious campaign even though it appeared that she would lose to Trump in her home state through many polls.

How Trump Defeated Nikki Haley in Home State SC
Credit – CNA

In December, Haley declared that South Carolina would be the decisive state where she would defeat Trump and shift the tide of the nomination process.

Also, read “Trump Seeks to Dismiss Legal Case Over Classified Documents.”

But it took a disastrous turn of events, and she took a fatal blow in her home state, losing to Trump.

Although some of her close allies betrayed and abandoned her, Haley still publicly stated that she was not concerned about the endorsements Trump has garnered.

She actively traveled throughout South Carolina in recent weeks, relying on over 1,700 volunteers from across the state.

One month ahead of the primary on January 24, Trump had the support of 158 Republicans from South Carolina, including lawmakers, sheriffs, and mayors. In contrast, this week, Haley secured the support of one US House of Representatives member, two mayors, and 11 sitting state lawmakers.

According to a Trump campaign adviser, “Those endorsements (of Trump) do matter. They are absolutely embarrassing in their numbers for Nikki Haley,”

The adviser added, “If you have the local police chief or a city council person evangelizing about President Trump at a barbecue or at a local meeting, it’s a force multiplier on our ground game and grassroots efforts,”

With a carefully curated plan and properly executed strategy, former president Donald Trump has given a fatal blow to Nikki Haley in South Carolina.

About the author

Nancy Beverly

Nancy Beverly is a prominent political journalist and editor at World-Wire, known for her sharp analysis and deep understanding of global politics. With a Master's degree in Political Science, she excels in breaking down complex political issues, making them relatable to the public. At World-Wire, Nancy crafts compelling political narratives covering everything from local governance to international relations. Recognized for her expertise, she received the 'Excellence in Political Journalism' award in 2021. Nancy's work not only informs but also enriches her readers' understanding of political dynamics.

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