What is the Income Limit for Pennsylvania Food Stamps?

What is the Income Limit for Pennsylvania Food Stamps?

Income Limit for Pennsylvania Food Stamps – Food insecurities are something that more than two million Pennsylvanians face today, with inflation constantly on the rise, the prices of groceries continuing to increase, and food becoming increasingly hard to afford by low-income families.

Food Stamps is one program in Pennsylvania that aims to address this and reduce the pressure such families face.

This article covers everything about what makes a person eligible for this program and how to enroll.

2023 Income Limit for Pennsylvania Food Stamps

2023 Income Limit for Pennsylvania Food Stamps

The income limit for food stamps in Pennsylvania is based on two factors – the gross income and the net income of families and individuals.

While gross income includes the total amount of money made by an entire family, without deductions like rent and other utilities like housing, dependent care, and medical expenses for the disabled and elderly, the net income is mainly based on what is left after calculating these deductions.

However, per the revision of 2023, the gross income of one household must fall within 130% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. This could come up to an estimate of $1473 for a single individual and $3007 for an entire family.

On the other hand, the net income must fall within 100% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. This will come up to an estimate of $1133 for an individual and $2,313 for a household with four individuals.

Food Stamps in Pennsylvania

Food Stamps is one of the largest programs in Pennsylvania that aims to provide all low-income households access to food and nutrition, working with some of the best nutrition educators, faith-based organizations, and state agencies to make decisions on the kind of benefits that can be extended to these households.

Families and individuals are provided with a monthly stipend through an electronic card called the EBT, which can be used to buy basic foods like fruits, vegetables, bread, and meat from retail stores, farmer markets, and other food stores.

Who is Eligible for Food Stamps in Pennsylvania?

Who is Eligible for Food Stamps in Pennsylvania

An individual must first take a test before learning how to apply for food stamps in Pennsylvania to decide whether or not he is eligible for the program.

One of the requirements for someone seeking assistance from the SNAP is that he must be a resident of Pennsylvania. Immigrants cannot be eligible for this program except for documented immigrants who have been in the US for at least five years.

In addition, the following are a few other requirements he needs to fulfill –

He must have a current bank balance below $2000. This can go up to $3000 for a person living with a disabled person or someone above 60.

It was earlier required that an individual had to hold employment except for children, expecting women, the elderly, and those participating in training programs. However, according to Community Legal Services, this requirement has recently been revised, so a person is no longer required to hold employment to be eligible for food stamps.

However, students aged 18-49 are still exempted from availing the benefits of this program, with just a few exceptions.

2023 Income Limit for Pennsylvania Food Stamps

With the income limit for food stamps in Pennsylvania having recently increased, households that earlier couldn’t qualify can now come forward to claim their eligibility.

Like before, this is decided by considering the size of one’s household income.

The recent changes made to the income threshold have indeed gone a long way in making the program more accessible to a lot more individuals with low income in Pennsylvania.

To understand this, one can refer to the table below –

Household Size
Maximum Gross Monthly Income
1 $2,266
2 $3,052
3 $3,840
4 $4,626
5 $5,412
6 $6,200
7 $6,986
8 $7,772
9 $8,560
10 $9,348
Each additional member +$788

The public healthcare agency will now provide the maximum benefit one deserves according to household size.

In other words, the higher the income, the lesser the benefits a household is eligible for. For every $100, one receives lesser benefits by $30.

On the other hand, households with more than eight people can contact the appropriate managing agency. They could be eligible for an additional $6,136 for each additional person in the family.

How to Apply for Food Stamps in Pennsylvania

There are three ways you can apply for food stamps in Pennsylvania –

Apply Online for Food Stamps in Pennsylvania

Eligible individuals and households can apply for PA SNAP benefits through the PA COMPASS online portal.

Here is how you can apply for Pennsylvania Food Stamps –

  • Go to the COMPASS website at https://www.compass.state.pa.us/
  • Hover over the Login/Register button to get a dropdown list, and click on the Register option at the bottom of the Individuals and Families category.
  • A new page will pop up asking for your personal information, like the first and last name of the head of household or the payment name, your date of birth, and your e-mail ID. Simply provide all of the information and proceed further.
  • Once done, read and accept all the terms of service by clicking on the checkbox provided at the bottom. Then, click on the Register button.
  • Access your account by using your login details through the PA COMPASS login portal and get access to your dashboard.
  • Once the account is set up, you can apply for PA food stamps by submitting an online application.

Apply in person for Food Stamps in Pennsylvania

You can apply for the food stamps program in Pennsylvania personally by walking to the local county Department of Human Services or DHS. These offices are present at numerous locations throughout Pennsylvania.

Application through Mail or Fax

Another way to apply for food stamps, if you are eligible for the income limit, is by getting a print-out of the online SNAP program form, filling it and submitting it through mail or fax.

You can mail your application form, once filled, to the below address –

U.S. Department of Agriculture,

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights,

1400 Independence Avenue, SW,

Washington, D.C. 20250-9410.

You can also fax your application to – (202) 690-7442. Alternatively, you can send a scanned copy of your application through the official email ID at [email protected].

In the case of any doubts, you can call the Department of Human Services (DHS) at 1-800-692-7462.

In case of the denial of your application, you can get in touch with their community legal services by calling (215) 227 2400.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the income limit for food stamps in PA?

The income limit for food stamps in Pennsylvania mainly depends on a few factors that include the size of one’s household, the monthly income that he receives, and whether he has a member in his family who is disabled or above the age of 60.

How long does it take to get approved for food stamps in PA?

A person applying for the Pennsylvania Food Stamps will receive an answer from the authorities within 30 days.

Who qualifies for food stamps?

Primarily households that find financial difficulties qualify for food stamps.

How do I apply for food stamps?

There are several ways you can apply for food stamps which include an online application, application by mail, and lastly, by visiting their official website. We have covered all of the methods above in this article.

What is the most food stamps one person can get?

There are several factors considered for this, like a person’s state of employment, taxes, and further deductions, making it impossible to estimate one’s eligible amount.

How do food stamps work in PA?

Food Stamps allows using a monthly stipend that a person can access through an electronic card provided. This is known as the EBT access card. The card works like an ATM card and can be used in most retail stores in Pennsylvania to buy basic foods like fruits, vegetables, bread, and meat. Apart from retail stores, one can use this card to avail of benefits from farmer markets and other food stores.


Food Stamps is a program aimed at helping the millions of people struggling for a meal in Pennsylvania by providing nutritional assistance for themselves and their families. However, to avail of its benefits, a person must first be eligible. This he can find out at the time of application, which provides a test of a person’s eligibility.

About the author

Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.

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