
India-Nepal Land Dispute, India should return the land of Lipulekh to us

India-Nepal Land Dispute

India-Nepal Land Dispute, Nepal Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli said his authority would solve the Kalapani problem through political efforts and valid actualities, as well as through speech and communication by the Indian Administration.

Oli claimed a border dispute between the two countries. He has created a political map by showing Lipulekh, Kalapani, and Limpiyadhura under his area. 

On this, India has strongly advised Nepal not to make any artificial expansion.

India-Nepal Land Dispute, India should return the land of Lipulekh to us

India-Nepal Land Dispute
India-Nepal Land Dispute

“We will get back the property controlled by India through discussions,” Oli said in Parliament on Wednesday. 

Oli claimed that India had deployed troops in the Kalapani area to build and infringe on the Kali Temple, an artificial Kali river that is part of Nepal. The Kali River flows along the border between the two countries.

Land acquired by ancestors through struggle

India-Nepal Land Dispute
India-Nepal Land Dispute

Oli, in reply to a question in Parliament, said that in fact, border disputes are taking place even in areas like Susta.

Be that as it may, the administration’s needs are Lipulekh, Kalapani, and Limpiyadhura, as no land has been seized by sending troops elsewhere on the borders.

Our ancestors acquired this land through a great struggle. If we stand firm, we will maintain the integrity of our territory.

Dissatisfied with Yogi Adityanath’s statement

India-Nepal Land Dispute
India-Nepal Land Dispute

Oli also expressed displeasure over the statement of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Adityanath had said that Nepal would also make a mistake with Tibet. Oli said if Adityanath has said that, it is not right. 

It is not right to threaten Nepal in this way. The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh has no right to say that.

Dissatisfied with road construction in Lipulekh

India-Nepal Land Dispute
India-Nepal Land Dispute

Relations between India and Nepal soured after Defense Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated an 80-km road connecting Dharchula in Uttarakhand to Lipulekh on May 8. Nepal has reacted strongly to the construction of these roads.

About the author

Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.

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